Apprentices in the Controls Technology (or smart building automation) industry learn to manage automated systems in complex, high-tech facilities. Today’s smart buildings industry needs hands-on professionals with knowledge in controls technology, computer programming and networking, electronics, energy management strategies and contracting. The industry faces a serious shortage of highly skilled professionals as thousands of current employees transition to retirement and development of new smart building technologies continues at a faster rate than new professionals are entering into the profession.
Apprenticeship is a rigorous, structured educational pathway to a living wage job. It offers the attainment of expert skills gained by combining theoretical learning (classroom study) with on-the-job training supervised by a journey-level trade professional, or Training Supervisor. Olympic College, in partnership with the Apprenticeship, serves as an approved provider of Related Supplemental Instruction (RSI) coursework. Apprentices enroll at OC to complete their RSI requirements.
The Associate Controls Specialist 8,000 hour Apprenticeship is an occupation approved by the Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council and registered as Program ID #2175. Enrollment in courses for RSI is required all four years of the program, however you can apply for credit for prior learning or work experience through an assessment process. Minimum qualifications for an Associate Controls Specialist Apprentice:
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Possess a high school diploma or equivalent or be enrolled in an equivalent credit recovery program.
- Be able to meet the physical requirements of the occupation, with or without reasonable accommodations.
- Possess a valid driver’s license within 90 days of acceptance.
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Or contact Olympic College, Workforce Development & Basic Studies: 360-475-7555.