2024-2025 Olympic College Catalog 
    Mar 30, 2025  
2024-2025 Olympic College Catalog

College Resources

Olympic College provides many resources to enhance learning and support student success while at the college. Students can take advantage of these services to help with access to the college, studying, tutoring, career planning, and other educational support.

Admissions - Welcome Center

Welcome Center staff are the first point of contact for prospective or new students, while also providing support as needed for continuing students. The Welcome Center assists all students with admissions, records, registration, financial aid, and connection to other campus resources and services. 

There is no fee to apply and applications are accepted online, in person, or by mail. Applicants will receive personalized admissions and program information on funding options and processes, new student advising appointments, placement assessment, transfer credits, and new student orientation. Staff are available to assist with Financial Aid completion and provide information on other funding options. Staff also assist with in-person and online registration, course adds, course drops, and complete withdrawal, as well as late registrations and corrections. 

Admissions staff coordinate and provide outreach support to community groups and events, visit high schools and community fairs, offer enrollment and financial aid sessions, and provide individual or group tours of campus. Campus tours are available upon request. Visit the Welcome Center webpage to sign up and for more information.

Contact Information
Welcome Center - Admissions
Bldg. 4, Rm. 105
Welcome Center

Advising Services

Advising is an important part of a successful learning experience. Academic advising includes a continuum of services which focus on exploring career and life goals, developing an academic plan, and providing support for a student from their first quarter through the completion of their program.Students are assigned a Student Success coach based on their area of study, and are encouraged to meet with their coach regularly to ensure they are on the correct path to meeting their educational goals.

Advising is available at all OC campuses. Contact the Advising Center on the Bremerton campus for more information and to schedule an appointment in-person at any campus, or virtually via Zoom or phone.

Contact Information

Olympic College Bremerton:
Advising Center
Bldg. 4, Rm. 203

Assessment and Testing Services

Assessment and Testing Services administers a variety of tests and assessments to help students and community members meet college, program or employment requirements.

Services offered include:

  • Placement Assessment (formerly known as Accuplacer) 
  • Olympic College Access Testing for students approved by Student Disability Services
  • Olympic College Make-up Testing
  • Olympic College MESH Department Placement Exams for CHEM& 141 and BIOL& 241 
  • GED® Testing through PearsonVUE
  • Proctoring Services for Outside Institutions
  • Computer-Based Industry Certification Exams through PearsonVUE & Certiport
  • ATI-TEAS Nursing and Allied Health exams
  • CSWA Exam (Certified SolidWorks Certification exam for engineering students)
  • Microsoft IT Academy Program Member

Most tests and assessments require appointments and/or fees to administer. Not all services are available at the Poulsbo and Shelton campuses. Check with the specific campus or check the websites below to find a complete list of services and fees.

Contact Information
Assessment & Testing Services

Olympic College Bremerton:
Bldg. 4, Rm. 222
Testing Center

Olympic College Poulsbo:
Bldg. P1 Room varies

Olympic College Shelton:
Bldg. S3, Rm. 001

Assistive Technology

Olympic College offers assistive technology (also known as adaptive technology) for students with disabilities and provides instruction in a variety of software programs and devices to facilitate access to computing resources.

Assistive Technology course offerings include voice recognition, voice output, screen magnification, and one-handed keyboarding. Courses are published in ctcLink in the quarterly class schedule under “Business Technology,” and tutoring is available.

Contact Information
Assistive Technology
Bldg. 12, Rm. 100
Student Disability Services

Basic Food Employment & Training Program (BFET)

The BFET Program offers financial and case management support to students who are in an approved BFET educational program and:

  • Receive or qualify to receive federal food benefits from DSHS (Department of Social and Health Services)
  • Receive TANF (Temporary Aid to Needy Families) cash assistance for children only
  • Have an employment goal and intend to go to work after training is complete
  • Running Start students enrolled in level 100 classes and is receiving basic food assistance
  • Transitional Studies students qualify if their education is necessary to achieve an employment goal. These are students working on their high school equivalency exam, English for speakers of other languages, high school diploma, or Adult Basic Education courses. 

Financial support is available for tuition, books, supplies, and educational fees such as testing, graduation, and GED/high school diploma. Additional financial support may be available for emergency needs in the following areas: clothing, hygiene, telephone/internet, and transportation. BFET enrolled students may be eligible for childcare funding through DSHS. 

Contact Information

Basic Food Employment & Training
Bldg. 4, Rm. 207
Basic Food Employment & Training Program


The Olympic College Bookstore offers course materials including textbooks, supplies, culinary and nursing uniforms, college spirit wear, calculators, tech supplies and laptop computers. The bookstore provides a convenience store with a variety of beverages, snack and lunch options.

Textbooks and course required materials for all Olympic College courses may be purchased at the main Bremerton campus in Building 10, or by visiting the Olympic College Bookstore website, Olympic College Bookstore. The web store also offers clothing, technology, and basic supplies. Concerned about textbook prices? The Olympic College Bookstore offers many book choices including rentals and will price match with Amazon.com (certain restrictions apply, see website for details).

Contact Information
Olympic College Bookstore
Bldg. 10
Olympic College Bookstore

Campus Safety & Security

The Olympic College Campus Security office is located in Bldg. 4, Rm. 101 at the Olympic College Bremerton Campus. Security, Dispatch, Parking, and other related duties are run out of this office.

Campus Security Officers availability:
Bremerton Campus: 24 hours / 7 days a week
Poulsbo Campus: 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. / Shelton Campus: 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.

The Campus Security Dispatch Office is generally open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed on holidays). However, you can contact security 24/7 by calling 360-475-7800, extension 7800 from a campus phone, or by using one of our many emergency call boxes.

The Campus Security office can provide numerous services to enhance the safety and welfare of persons and property within the college community, such as:

  • Personal safety advice and seminars
  • Safety escort service between campus buildings and parking lots
  • Lost and found
  • Victim assistance referral
  • Processing “unsafe condition” referrals
  • Accident/Injury and crime reporting

Campus Emergency Messages

Campus Security personnel will not provide personal information about students to unverified individuals due to privacy concerns. Therefore, emergency messages to students on campus may be referred to local law enforcement. Please make sure that you provide your family and friends with a way to contact you while on campus.


New students and staff are automatically enrolled in the campus emergency alert system which is used during campus emergencies or change of campus operations. To logon, adjust account settings, or opt-out, visit the Campus Alerts webpage.

In the event of a campus closure, a notification will be sent to all students, faculty and staff by 5:30 a.m., with an update by 3 p.m. Additionally, messages will be posted to the campus website, Twitter, Facebook, and local media outlets.

Parking Lots

Parking spaces are designated with painted white, parallel stripes for side/side parking, or painted white hash marks for end/end parking. Parking in a space without such markings will subject you to a possible parking violation. All finalized fines shall be paid at the Cashier’s Office. Please review the Olympic College Parking Policy

Olympic College Bremerton
There are nine student parking lots at the Bremerton Campus known as General parking lots. General parking is shared between students, some employees, and community visitors:

  • Lot 2 lot between 16th and 18th Street along Chester Avenue and Broadway Avenue
  • Lot 3 between 16th and 18th Street along Broadway Avenue and Warren Avenue
  • Lot 5 lot between 16th and 13th Street, along Broadway Avenue and Warren Avenue
  • Lot 7 lot at the northwest corner of 13th Street and Broadway Avenue
  • Lot 9 lot along 11th Street between Ohio Avenue and Lincoln Avenue
  • Lot 14 lot on 17th Street between Warren Avenue and Elizabeth Avenue
  • Lot 15 on Elizabeth Avenue between 17th and 16th Street
  • Lot 16 on the corner of Warren Avenue and 17th Street.

Please refer to the campus map for additional information.

Visitor, Disability, and Carpool spaces are reserved.

Open Parking

There is open parking in student and staff lots after 4 p.m. until 6 a.m. year round and on weekends. Permits are required for all student and employee parking lots at Olympic College.

Passenger Drop off/Pickup Area

This area is located in the loop off of 16th Street near the flag pavilion. This area is provided to safely drop off or pick up passengers and is limited to a 10 minute time period. Vehicles cannot be left unattended in this area at any time as it is also an Emergency Vehicle Access Lane.

Poulsbo & Shelton Campuses

Student parking lots are available at Poulsbo and Olympic College Shelton campuses. Permits are required and please follow all the rules.

Parking Permits

Student Parking Permits ($20 Required)

All permits must be properly displayed.

Bremerton Campus: parking passes can be obtained online at the Campus Safety & Security website.

Shelton and Poulsbo Campuses: parking passes can be obtained at the Campus Safety & Security website.

For additional information, visit the Campus Safety & Security website.

The following documentation is required to obtain a student parking permit:

Current Registered Student

  • Valid Student OC Identification Number
  • Partner Institutions Will Be Provided Identification Numbers To Access the OC Parking Portal 

Vehicle Registration:

  • Out-of-state vehicles may not have been issued a registration, bring out-of-state vehicle documentation as a substitution.
  • Temporary License plates for newly purchased vehicles will get temporary parking credentials until the permanent plates arrive. Temporary student parking permits can be obtained at the Campus Security Office.

Visitor Permits

Bremerton Campus visitors permits can be obtained at the Campus Safety & Security website. Visitors can obtain a visitor pass for the Poulsbo Campus and Shelton Campus at Campus Safety & Security website. Registered students are NOT permitted to park in visitor parking spaces.

Disabled and Carpool Spaces

Disability and carpool spaces are appropriately labeled and available in most lots. Parking in these spaces requires appropriate permits.

Disability license plates, placards or passes must be displayed and fully visible to park in disability parking spaces. Carpool parking requires a Kitsap Transit Permit, which can be applied for online at the Kitsap Transit Smart Commuter webpage.

Safety Reporting

Annual Security Report

The Olympic College annual security report is published in accordance with the Clery Act by Oct. 1 each year and distributed to the community. The report includes campus crime statistics, resources, and information about safety on campus. The report is available online or by request. A 60-day crime and fire log is also available at the Campus Security Reports webpage

OC Report It

This may be used to report any behaviors of concern involving Olympic College students or employees (behaviors may occur in or out of the classroom) or other hazards present on campus. Please note, anonymously submitted forms may limit the ability to respond fully. This form is available in the footer of the Olympic College website.

Contact Information
Campus Security
Bldg. 4, Rm. 101
Campus Safety & Security

Career Center

Career Services

Career Services provides a wide range of career and employment planning services that assist students in developing self-directed job search skills. Services include: career advising, resume and cover letter writing, practice interviewing, career development workshops, labor market information, computer lab and a variety of career resources.

The Career Center also offers both on- and off-campus student employment, work-study, internship and community volunteer/service learning listings through an online job board - RangerJobs. Current Olympic College students and alumni must register with the Career Center to access the system.

Internships and Community Volunteer Service

Applied learning strategies use a community or on-campus site to provide students with supervised learning experiences that relate to their educational and career objectives. Students may earn college credit for these work, service or research experiences by setting and attaining specific learning objectives. To enroll in the course to earn college credit, contact: internship@olympic.edu or 360-475-7361.

Regular Student Employment

Students enrolled for a least five credits in an Olympic College program are eligible for on-campus Regular Student Employment. This type of employment referral is not associated with a financial aid award.


Federal or State Work-Study employment is a work program coordinated through the Career Center. Students must be enrolled for at least six credits and meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress in order to participate. Work-Study eligibility must be verified with the Financial Aid Office prior to contacting the Career Center for an employment referral.

Contact Information
Career Center
Bldg. 4, Rm. 204
360-475-7480 - Bremerton | Poulsbo | Shelton
Career Center

Virtual Assistance
Zoom Link: Career Center Virtual Lobby
Zoom by phone: 253-215-8782 Enter Meeting ID: 985 042 2286

Career & Technical Education: Dual Credit - West Sound Education Consortium

The West Sound Education Consortium is a partnership between area school districts and Olympic College. The program offers high school students the opportunity to earn college and high school credits simultaneously, while remaining on the high school campus. These Career & Technical Education classes are a valuable learning experience and can also serve as the first step in a professional-technical training program. In order to receive the college credits, students must earn a “B” or better in the high school course. Education partners include Olympic College, Quillayute Valley, Kitsap, Mason, Clallam, and Pierce county school districts as well as the West Sound Technical Skills Center. 

Contact Information
Career & Technical Education Dual Credit
Bldg. 5, Rm. ­­­­404

Career & Technical Education: Dual Credit - West Sound Education Consortium

Career & Technical Education: Teacher Preparation Program

In Washington state, those who wish to teach Career and Technical Education in middle or high schools are required to hold a Career & Technical Education Teacher Certificate/Endorsement.

Olympic College is one of six Washington state providers approved by the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) for the Plan II Business/Industry Route for Career & Technical Education  Certification. Our program is based on the requirements in the Washington Administrative Code WAC 181-77-041.

Contact Information
Career & Technical Education Teacher Preparation Program
Bldg. 4, Rm. 105
Career & Technical Education: Teacher Preparation Program 

College Success

College Success courses enhance student achievement and success by offering curriculum related to self-assessment and learning skills that improve persistence, confidence, and academic strengths.

Student Success and First Year Experience Courses:

  • College Success 101 Orientation to College
  • College Success 110 College Success
  • College Success 121 Success for Student Cohorts (i.e. Athletes, Welders, etc.)
  • College Success 131 Student Success Skills
  • College Success 133 Running Start and Beyond
  • College Success 141 Career and Transfer Planning

For information about these and other courses visit the College Success Webpage

Contact Information
College Success

Continuing Education 

Discover Olympic College’s dynamic Continuing Education Program, offering a wide range of non-credit courses to support professional development, personal enrichment, and small business needs. OC’s Continuing Education Program supports the community’s lifelong learning journey to achieve personal and professional goals.

Contact Information
Continuing Education

Bremerton/Poulsbo Campuses
Bldg 5, Room 412

Shelton Campus

Olympic College Community Education

Counseling Services

Personal and Career Counseling/Undecided Pathway

As an Olympic College student, you have a variety of resources available to help you achieve your academic and personal goals, one of which is Counseling Services. Professional counselors are registered with the state of Washington, and they provide short-term, solution-focused services at no additional cost. Services may include personal and career counseling, and consultations. Individual sessions and consultations are confidential with certain exceptions. Students are able to explore if counseling is right for them and get help with concerns for themselves or others. Counselors also offer workshops and administer the High School Completion program. 

Counselors are dedicated to promoting the health and wellbeing of students by recognizing their individuality and diversity, and respecting the person’s choice and ability to manage challenges in pursuit of values-based goals. Students often seek skills to better cope with stress, personal conflicts, and career uncertainty, as well as thoughts of harm.

For questions or an appointment please send an email to: CounselingServices@olympic.edu.


John Babbo: jbabbo@olympic.edu
Alma Christean: achristean@olympic.edu

Contact Information

Counseling Services
Bldg. 4, Rm. 205
Counseling Services

English as a Second Language (ESL)

Olympic College offers beginning through advanced courses for English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL or ESL). These non-credit courses are intended for non-native English speakers wanting to learn how to read, write, speak and understand English for both personal and employment reasons. An orientation session that includes a placement assessment is required before registration. Students under 18 years of age must provide a “High School Release” form.

Note: People who are in the United States on a student (F-1 or M-1) visa are not allowed to participate in publicly (state and federal) funded adult education. People in this country as “nannies” or “au pairs” on a study exchange (J-1) visa are required to participate in college-level academic classes, not in Transitional Studies. Instead, these students should contact the International Student Program about Intensive English classes.

Visitors who are in the United States for business and pleasure (B-1, B-2) visa purposes are prohibited from enrolling in a course of study for credit toward a degree or academic certificate in the United States.

Contact Information
Transitional Studies
Bldg. 4, Rm. 223
360-475-7550 - Bremerton | Poulsbo | Shelton
English as a Second Language (ESL)

Virtual Assistance
Zoom Link: Transitional Studies Virtual Lobby
Zoom by phone: 253-215-8782 Enter Meeting ID: 956 6289 1776

Food Service

OlympiCafe and Fireside Bistro

The OlympiCafe serves cafeteria-style breakfast and lunch throughout the academic quarter from an excellent selection of reasonably priced menu items. The OlympiCafe features freshly prepared salads made to order, a panini sandwich of the day, a carved entree, grill, soft drinks, desserts, snacks and espresso as well as a choice of selected entrees for lunch each day. The entrees and center island selections are prepared and served by students in the award-winning Culinary Arts program.

The Fireside Bistro is located in the Bremer Student Center. The restaurant is staffed by Olympic College Culinary Art students. Friday service features a four-course luncheon highlighting the regional culture being studied by students in the International Cuisine class.

Contact Information

OlympiCafe, Espresso, Fireside Bistro
Bldg. 10, 360-475-7577


For more than 30 years, the Olympic College Foundation has been transforming lives by partnering with the community to support Olympic College and its students.

Here are a few examples: Josh went from experiencing homelessness to being on the path to a great-paying and fulfilling career as a welder with the help of scholarships and emergency funding from the OC Foundation. Shanika, who needed a better job to help support her two children and disabled partner, said she wouldn’t have been able to finish her nursing degree without help from the OC Foundation. Here are some of the ways we make a difference:

  • Award more than $300,000 a year in scholarships: For many students, those dollars are the difference between staying in school or dropping out.
  • Provide textbooks, supplies and emergency assistance to students in need: When students have to choose between buying textbooks or paying the electric bill, the OC Foundation and our generous donors can help through the Resource Center, providing everything from specialized supplies and gas cards to a textbook lending library.
  • Fund specialized equipment, such as high-tech medical mannequins for the nursing program. Thanks to donor and grant support, the OC Foundation has been able to provide a realistic hospital simulation suite and lifelike mannequins that bleed, gasp for breath and cry out in pain. The set-up allows students to train and learn from mistakes before working with human patients.
  • Support faculty: OC Foundation donors underwrite faculty professional development and innovation through Funds for Excellence and the Jim and Audrey Robinson Teaching & Learning Innovation Grants.

Thanks to our donors, we help students make their educational dreams come true. We transform lives.

Contact Information
Olympic College Foundation
Bldg. 5, Rm. 513

Information Technology

Olympic College’s Information Technology Department (Olympic College-IT) is the central IT organization for the college, delivering essential technology services and support for all campuses. IT offers a wide range of services to the Olympic College community including face-to-face or over-the-phone support via the Olympic College-IT Help Desk, student access to Olympic College email, file storage, printing, Olympic College licensed software, and wireless Internet. A customer service representative (Lab Tech) is available to help students with their basic access to technology in the open labs for each campus.

If you are a current student, please visit our IT Information Hub in Canvas  for more information and benefits that come with your Olympic College account.

We also offer a quarterly laptop checkout for currently enrolled students. Learn more on the Device Checkout webpage.

Contact Information
Open Computer Labs

Bremerton Campus: Bldg. 8, Rm. 122; Bldg. 6, Rms. 127 and 128
Shelton Campus: S4 (PA)
Poulsbo Campus: P1 (OCP), Rm. 106

Visit the Computer Labs webpage for lab locations and open hours. 

See the Student Accounts webpage for information about student accounts, email, and more. 

Contact Information
Olympic College-IT Help Desk
Bldg. 5, Rm. 216


Integrated Basic Education & Skills Training (I-BEST)

Providing students with basic skills support in professional-technical and academic classes!

An I-BEST class or program uses a team-teaching approach, providing students with twice the support at no extra cost. With I-BEST, you will work with two teachers in the classroom. One teacher will provide job training or teach an academic transfer class like welding or sociology. The other will teach basic skills in reading, writing, math, English language, or employability (it’s like having a tutor available right there, while you are in class). You will learn several topics at once, earn college credits and move faster toward your career and/or education goals.

I-BEST challenges the traditional notion that students must move through a set of pre-college courses before they can start working on certificates or degrees. This combined teaching method allows students to work on college-level studies right away, clearing multiple levels with one leap.

You must register for an approved I-BEST class / program and complete the skills assessment.

I-BEST Programs Currently Include:

  • Business Management
  • Computer Information Systems (CIS)
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Human Services & Chemical Dependency
  • Nursing Assistant Program
  • Welding Technology

Contact Information
Transitional Studies
Bldg. 4, Rm. 223
360-475-7550 - Bremerton | Poulsbo | Shelton
Transitional Studies Division

Virtual Assistance
Zoom Link: Transitional Studies Virtual Lobby
Zoom by phone: 253-215-8782 Enter Meeting ID: 956 6289 1776

International Education and Study Abroad

The Office of International Education & Study Abroad assists prospective and current international students by providing comprehensive information and support, as well as resources for current students to pursue study abroad opportunities around the world.

The Office of International Education & Study Abroad provides:

  • International student recruitment and admissions
  • Issuance of Form I-20 and immigration support letters
  • Homestay housing placement and references for apartment living
  • Helpful information about student visas, SEVIS regulations/immigration and F-1 visa interviews
  • Airport pick-up upon request
  • International Student Orientation
  • Information sessions and seminars on university transfer, OPT, professional development, scholarships, filing taxes, and more
  • International Club activities and events
  • Social and cultural events, including an annual Global Night, language sharing presentations, and cooking classes
  • Information about on-campus employment and assistance with applying for the US Social Security Number (SSN)
  • Quarterly academic progress follow up
  • Information on college-level Intensive English study, High School Completion Program, professional/technical programs and university transfer 2 + 2 options
  • Short-term study abroad opportunities
  • Faculty-led study abroad options

See “International Student Admission” for a complete description of the admissions process.

Contact Information
Office of International Education & Study Abroad,
Bldg. 10, Rm. 117
360-475-7412, international@olympic.edu
Olympic College International Education & Study Abroad

Olympic College Libraries

Haselwood Library, Bremerton

The Haselwood Library offers students and the community the opportunity to study, conduct research, and learn outside the classroom. An integral part of the college experience, the library offers a wide variety of resources, including an open computer lab, laptops, group study rooms, and quiet places for study and reflection. Resources include more than 86,000 books and e-books, 1,700 videos, and 1,000 sound recordings. In addition, thousands of periodicals and reference works are available electronically, on and off campus, through a variety of subscription databases. Students seeking materials not available at Olympic College Libraries may use our free Interlibrary loan service which borrows from an international library consortium.

Library faculty at Olympic College assist students in all phases of the research process: developing search strategies, searching for information, evaluating information, and in using information ethically, legally and responsibly. They also provide learning opportunities through a variety of approaches, including course-related and course-integrated instruction, hands-on active learning, credit courses, tutorials, pathfinders, and point-of-use assistance. Library faculty are available in person for consultation during all hours of operation. Research assistance is available 24/7/365 via chat and email. For information, contact:

Contact Information
Bldg. 6, Bremerton Campus
Olympic College Libraries

The Johnson Library, Shelton Campus

A library technician is available to assist students with their research needs during select weekday hours. The Johnson Library also offers a circulating collection of books, computers for access to electronic resources, and an area for quiet study.

Contact Information
The Johnson Library
Bldg. S2, Shelton Campus
Olympic College Libraries

Poulsbo Library/Computer Lab

The Poulsbo Library shares space with the open computer lab and also offers a circulating collection of books. A library technician is available to assist students with their research needs during select weekday hours. Computer lab technicians are also available to assist with technology needs.

Contact Information
Poulsbo Campus Library/Computer Lab
Bldg. P1 (OCP), Poulsbo Campus
Olympic College Libraries

Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement (MESA) Program

The Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement (MESA) Program at Olympic College is part of a nationally recognized academic support program that seeks to increase diversity in student populations to meet current, future, and global workforce demands in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. Specifically, the goal of MESA is to increase the number of historically underrepresented students who are prepared to transfer to 4-year colleges or universities in pursuit of STEM related degrees, and ultimately careers.   

It’s free to join, and accepted applicants have access to: 

  • A dedicated Study Center 
  • Academic support 
  • Academic path advising and planning tailored for university transfer in STEM degrees 
  • Textbooks, calculators, and access codes through the MESA Lending Library 
  • Scholarship opportunities 
  • Networking opportunities through workshops that allow you to get to know professionals in your future job field 
  • Academic Excellence Workshops 
  • Access to tutoring services 
  • On-Site MESA Director 
  • Career and professional development - Build that resume and stand out! 
  • Leadership opportunities, university visits, internships, FREE tickets to scientific conferences, meet industry mentors, research opportunities, etc. 

To find out more, visit the Olympic College MESA Program website and fill out the short online application.

Contact Information 
Sarah Robertson - Director 
Bremerton Campus - Science and Technology Bldg. 8, Rm. 108

Military & Veteran Programs

Military & Veteran Programs (MVP) is a collection of resources for accessing information and support related to Veteran Affairs (VA) and Department of Defense (DoD) education benefits as well as other support services at Olympic College. As home of the Olympic College Student Veterans of America Chapter, Peer Advisors for Veteran Education, Mentorship for veterans, and a SALUTE Honors Society Chapter, MVP offers a wide number of student life programs. 

Some or all services may be offered virtually. 

MVP Student Engagement Center

The MVP Student Engagement Center is located on the Bremerton Campus in Bldg. 11, Rm. 100. Students can access support in all aspects of their education at Olympic College, fellowship and veteran related activities, a calm environment to study or take a break, a computer lab, TV, and lounge.  

Military-affiliated students volunteer to staff the center and offer information related to student support services at Olympic College, assist with funding applications, and make referrals to local community, financial, and benefits resources. 

MVP’s student life programs include Student Veterans of America OC Chapter, Peer Advisors for Veteran Education, and SALUTE are hosted from the Student Engagement Center.

For more information contact Director of Military & Veteran Programs-Tatiane Simons: tsimons@olympic.edu.  

MVP Benefits Office & Support Center

The MVP Benefit and Support Center is available to help you get started as a new student, set up your Veteran Affairs (VA) or Department of Defense (DoD) education benefits, and connect you to support and resources.

Contact the MVP Navigator: Emily McNeeley - emcneeley@olympic.edu

VA Education Benefits 

  • Ch 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill® 
  • Ch 31 Veterans Readiness & Employment 
  • Ch 30 Montgomery GI Bill®/Ch30-1606 MGIB -Selective Reserves 
  • Ch 35 Survivors’ and Dependents’ Education Assistance and Fry Scholarship

DoD Education Benefits  

  • Active-Duty Tuition Assistance from all branches of service 
  • Military One-Sources My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) program for spouses of Active-Duty members 

Federal and State Benefits 

  • Veteran’s Choice Act for in-state tuition rates 
  • Veteran Tuition Discounts 
  • WA State 100% Tuition Waiver for Dependents of Veterans with 100% Service Connected Disability - permanent and totally disabled or who have passed away while on active service. 

Students using VA Education benefits are encouraged to review information from the VA about their benefits found at U.S. Veteran Affairs Education and Training webpage

Contact a School Certifying Official for any clarification of VA education benefits or information about VA funding related to available programs of study. Olympic College’s current School Certifying Officials: 

Daniel Langille - dlangille@olympic.edu 

Kelly Tucker - ktucker@olympic.edu

In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), this school adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Veterans Readiness and Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. This school will not: 

  • Prevent the student’s enrollment. 
  • Assess a late penalty fee. 
  • Require student secure alternative or additional funding. 
  • Deny their access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution. 
  • Olympic College may still require additional payment or impose a fee for the amount that is the difference between the amount of the student’s financial obligation and the amount of the VA education benefit disbursement. 

To utilize VA Education Benefits at Olympic College, students are required to: 

  • Produce a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) and/or Benefits Summary Screenshot by the first day of class or complete a COE Waiver. 
  • Provide a request to be certified every term: MVP Certification Portal located on the MVP Website. 
  • Complete an Official Transcript Evaluation of all transcripts from previous institutions and military schools, by the end of their 3rd quarter of attendance, if applicable. 
  • Provide a signed student agreement to the MVP Benefits Office. 
  • (Chapter 35 DEA students only) Provide a signed Application for the WA State 100% Tuition Waiver. 
  • For those pursuing Ch. 31 Veterans Readiness & Employment benefits, contact your VRE Counselor or the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Satellite Office.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the U.S. Veteran Affairs GI Bill webpage. 

Contact Information
Military & Veteran Programs
Bldg. 11, Rm. 115
MVP@olympic.edu 360-473-2821
Military & Veteran Programs

Virtual Assistance
Zoom Link: Student Services Virtual Lobby
Zoom by phone: 253-215-8782 Enter Meeting ID: 693 824 642

Opportunity Grant

The Opportunity Grant is a state funded grant offering financial assistance. Eligible students pursuing approved technical degrees may receive funds to cover tuition and mandatory fees up to 45 credits and up to $1,000 per academic year for books and supplies. The goal is to help low-income adults reach their educational goals. This program has a wait list of approximately 3 - 6 months, serving Bremerton, Shelton and Poulsbo campuses.

Contact Information
Opportunity Grant / Resource Center
Bldg. 4, Rm. 104
360-475-6817 or 360-475-7325
Opportunity Grant 

Passport to Careers Program

Scholarship and incentive dollars for former foster and unaccompanied homeless youth

Passport to Careers Program provides support to former foster care and homeless youth while in higher education. The program provides financial assistance beyond other state, federal, private, and institutional financial aid for which they are eligible. Support staff help students overcome barriers towards their educational success through supportive listening, tangible resources and advocacy.

Student Eligibility Criteria:

  • Have been in Washington state, Federal, or tribal foster care after age 13
  • Enroll at least half-time college by their 22nd birthday
  • Maintain Washington residency
  • Not older than 27 years of age
  • Homeless youth will need a McKinney Vento letter from their high school.

Contact us for additional information on eligibility requirements and more.

Contact Information
Resource Center
Bldg. 4, Rm. 104
Passport Program for Foster Youth

Registration & Records

The staff members of Registration provide a variety of registration and records services to students, including:

  • Credential evaluation for transfer credit
  • Term registration appointments
  • ctcLink online information
  • Transcripts
  • Graduation evaluations and Degree Audit
  • Commencement ceremonies
  • Student records

The Registrar and office staff are responsible for coordinating registration policies including: grading, honors designations, general academic progress, grade forgiveness, and recording credit awarded by vertical challenge, credit by examination, Tech Prep, International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, CLEP and DANTES SST credit, and Armed Forces. Certification of high school completion, certificates, and degrees are the purview of this office. Registration offices are maintained at Bremerton, Poulsbo, and Shelton campuses.

Contact Information
Registration & Records
Bldg. 4, Rm. 105
Registration & Records

Resource Center

The Resource Center provides information, referrals, and emergency funding services to help students at all three campuses overcome barriers to their educational success, such as financial hardships, cost of textbooks, hunger, and emergency problems. This program finds help for students by working in conjunction with programs such as the Olympic College Foundation and the Student Government of Olympic College Sheryl McKinley Food Bank, and community agencies.

Contact Information
Resource Center
Bldg. 4, Rm. 104
Resource Center

Running Start

Running Start provides information to high school students, graduates, families, and high school counselors regarding educational and dual enrollment opportunities at Olympic College.

Running Start services include:

  • Distribution of college publications and materials
  • Communicating admission process and academic information
  • Hosting quarterly high school counselor workshops and trainings
  • Presenting at college and high school Running Start information sessions
  • Reviewing and supplying application and admission materials
  • Orienting students to Running Start and the college
  • Conducting quarterly registration advising and educational planning
  • Evaluating prerequisites
  • Providing transfer planning and transfer information
  • Processing enrollment services including: registration and course schedule changes
  • Applying Running Start Fee Waiver
  • Lending Running Start Textbook Library resources
  • Referring students to faculty advisors

Running Start application materials for admission, the Running Start Fee Waiver, Running Start Enrollment Verification Form, and the Textbook Loan Application are available on the Running Start website and in the Running Start Office.

Contact Information
Running Start
Bldg. 4, Rm. 103
Running Start Website
Running Start Virtual Office

Sophia Bremer Early Learning Academy

The Sophia Bremer Early Learning Academy, in partnering with Head Start and Early Head Start, offers high-quality early learning experiences for children 6-weeks of age through 5-years of age. Our priority of enrollment is:

  1. Olympic College students
  2. Olympic College staff and faculty
  3. Community members

We are open 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Many student families qualify for childcare assistance from the Washington Department of Social and Health Services’ Working Connections Child Care subsidy program to pay for childcare.  

At the childcare center, children are cared for and are assigned to a highly trained, primary caregiver. Parents and caregivers work together to develop age-appropriate curriculum for children that can be implemented both at home and at school. Families are supported with referral to a broad array of services including nutrition, dental, health, mental health, and housing assistance.   

All programs focus on the child’s developmental domains, social skills, cultural pride, a sense of belonging, kindergarten readiness, respect for others and self-confidence. Our program helps to create time and opportunities for families to obtain job skills, parent, and continuing education.   

The center also serves as a lab school for Olympic College Early Childhood Education and the Western Washington University Early Childhood Education programs.  

Contact Information
Sophia Bremer Child Development Center
Bldg. 2
1709 Chester Ave.
Bremerton, WA 98337
Sophia Bremer Early Learning Academy

Student Disability Services

Student Disability Services partners with the Olympic College community to foster a college culture that recognizes disability as a valued aspect of diversity and is dedicated to the inclusion and full participation of students with disabilities in all college programs, services and activities. The office determines eligibility and appropriate academic adjustments. Any student with a permanent or temporary disability, including pregnancy-related medical issues, is encouraged to contact the office of Access Services to discuss accommodations and facilitate individual educational opportunities.

Students wishing to request accommodations for a disability will need to:

  • Complete the Access Services New Student Application
  • Schedule an Access Meeting
  • Submit formal documentation of the disability (documentation guidelines are available on the Student Disability Services webpage or through the office of Access Services)
  • Request services early - at least four weeks prior to need is recommended - for each class and quarter as needed

Services and accommodations are provided on an individually determined basis and may include sign language interpreting, captioning services, alternate media format, test accommodations, note-taking assistance, specialized equipment and assistive technology.

Contact Information
Student Disability Services
Bldg. 4, Rm. 205
Olympic College Poulsbo: 360-475-7540
Olympic College Shelton: 800-259-6718 ext. 7540
360-475-7436 Fax
Student Disability Services

Transitional Studies

Adult Basic Education (ABE), General Education Development (GED) Preparation, and High School+ (HS+)

ABE and GED are non-credit courses and are intended for those who want to develop the reading, writing and math skills needed to pass the GED test or math and English placement scores that indicate a need to review before beginning college work or training. An orientation session that includes a placement assessment is required before registration. Students under 18 years of age must provide a “High School Release” form.

The HS+ program is a competency-based program that gives students the opportunity to turn knowledge they have acquired through a variety of life experiences into high school credits that move them closer to a diploma, college degree or a new career.

Student Success Coaches assist students in creating a customized plan for either college or career preparation. To receive a diploma, you must demonstrate competencies in reading, writing, math, science, and other applicable subject areas. Students must attend an orientation session and have official high school transcripts reviewed by a Student Success Coach with the Transitional Studies division.

Contact Information
Transitional Studies
Bldg. 4, Rm. 223
360-475-7550 - Bremerton | Poulsbo | Shelton
Transitional Studies Division

Virtual Assistance
Zoom Link: Transitional Studies Virtual Lobby
Zoom by phone: 253-215-8782 Enter Meeting ID: 956 6289 1776

Tutoring Services

Tutoring Services provides help to currently enrolled students who need assistance beyond the classroom. A consortium of faculty and staff coordinates the program. Tutoring is provided in a variety of settings for most disciplines of study and takes place in study centers, drop-in study groups and/or one-to-one. Tutoring is a free service available to all currently enrolled students.

Study center/study groups operate on a drop-in or appointment basis. Information about available groups can be found at the tutorial services office. For information about the Writing Center or to make an appointment with a writing tutor contact the Writing Center directly.

Tutoring Services also provides training and employment opportunities as tutors for students who have demonstrated content mastery in the following subject areas:

  • Accounting and Business Math
  • Adaptive Technology Computer
  • American Sign Language
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Information Systems and Computer Programming
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Medical Terminology
  • Office Technology
  • Physics
  • The Writing Center (for writing in any course, as well as personal writing)
  • World Languages

Please check the Tutoring Services web page for hours and room locations for each study group, lab and center. Additional study groups are also listed on the Tutorial Services web page.

Online tutoring assistance is also available through the Western e-Tutoring Consortium. To access eTutoring, use the “eTutoring” link from the Course Navigation menu of any Canvas class. This link will take you directly to your eTutoring account. Online tutoring includes live Zoom-based tutoring, a Writing Drop-box to upload papers 24/7, the option of emailing tutors and a list of online resources curated by trained tutors.

Contact Information
Tutoring Services
Bldg. 8, Rm. 125A
Tutoring Services

Workforce & Economic Development 

The Workforce & Economic Development (WFED) division at Olympic College is committed to providing access and opportunity to students participating in OC’s high quality Professional-Technical programs. WFED funding programs can provide assistance for tuition, books, supplies and other support services to eligible students. Our goal is to strengthen our community by linking education and employment to create a skilled 21st century workforce through these services:

  • Continuing & Community Education
  • Corporate & Customized Training
  • Professional-Technical Program Development
  • Workforce Grants

Please refer to Olympic College Professional-Technical Programs. See “Degrees and Certificates” section in this catalog. New and updated programs are added throughout the year.

Contact Information
Workforce & Economic Development
Bldg. 5, Rm. 421
Workforce & Economic Development


The WorkFirst program provides financial assistance to qualified parents on public assistance through the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Program. The program provides financial assistance for any of the Professional-Technical Programs aimed at skill enhancement and wage progression, Transitional Studies (Adult Basic Education, GED, High School+, ESOL) classes, Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (I-BEST), Student Success classes, and Continuing Education classes such as Computers, Flagger and Forklift Training. WorkFirst Work-Study opportunities are other potential options.

WorkFirst participants who are currently on TANF may be eligible for the following services:

  • Financial assistance for tuition, fees, and books for professional-technical programs and basic skills training
  • Referral to Working Connections Childcare for childcare while in class or studying
  • Payment of Accuplacer testing fees, certificate fees, and graduation fees
  • Funds for support services such as clothing, emergency cost, hygiene, medical, tools & supplies, and transportation.

Please refer to Olympic College Professional-Technical Programs. See “Degrees and Certificates” section in this catalog. New and updated programs are added throughout the year. 

Contact Information for WorkFirst Team

WorkFirst - Kitsap
Bremerton Campus, Bldg. 4, Rm. 208 Suite

WorkFirst - Mason
Shelton Campus, Bldg. S1, Rm. 117


WorkFirst Transition Coordinators

Bremerton Campus (Kitsap County): Pauline Carlton, pcarlton@olympic.edu, 360-475-7846
Shelton Campus (Mason County): Dianna Peck, dpeck@olympic.edu, 360-432-5423
Transitional Studies (Mason & Kitsap): Amanda Piesik, apiesik@olympic.edu, 360-475-7551

Olympic College WorkFirst Program

StartNextQuarter.org: Faculty, this link will let the students know if they qualify for BFET, WorkFirst, Worker Retraining or Opportunity Grant funding.

Worker Retraining

Worker Retraining funding may be able to pay for tuition, books, supplies, transportation, childcare, and more for eligible students. Students must be enrolled in a professional-technical program and meet one of the following criteria to be eligible:

  • Qualified for or collected Washington State Unemployment Insurance (UI Benefits) in the last 48 months
  • Received a Lay-Off notice
  • Discharged Veteran within the last 48 months
  • Active-duty military who has received an official separation notice
  • Currently working but in need of upgraded skills or certification in order to keep your job
  • Displaced homemaker- Dependent on another person’s income and now that income is gone. 
  • Self-employed and now unemployed Disaster-impacted worker

Qualified students may receive initial assistance which can be applied to one of more than 20 professional-technical programs or to customized job skills training. Worker Retraining students may also be allowed to collect unemployment benefits while attending Olympic College professional-technical degree or certificate programs if approved by the Employment Security Department.

Contact Information for Worker Retraining Transitions Coordinators


Olympic College Worker Retraining Program

  • Kitsap County: Rebekah Wilkins - 360-475-7375
  • Mason County: Dianna Peck - 360-432-5423