2021-2022 Olympic College Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2021-2022 Olympic College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Information

Academic information in this section provides an overview of academic and student procedures and requirements.

Award of Credit for Learning Outside Olympic College (Prior Learning Assessment)

Olympic College recognizes that several bodies provide accreditation for institutions of higher learning. To provide social equity, educational effectiveness, and to maximize credit for prior learning and training, Olympic College awards credit as follows.

Transfer from Accredited Institutions

Regionally Accredited U.S. Institutions of Higher Education

Olympic College honors academic credits earned at other regionally accredited institutions and subscribes to statewide policies on transfer of credit among Washington public and private colleges and universities approved by the Joint Transfer Counsel, the Intercollege Relations Commission, and the Articulation and Transfer Council. Courses accepted in transfer must be substantially equivalent in academic level and content to course work offered at Olympic College, except that courses in subjects not offered, such as Chinese language, or courses similar in level and intent but not offered at Olympic College, such as HIST&220, and African American History, will be accepted in the general category. A grade of 2.0 or higher is required in each transferred course, except that up to 20 credits may be transferred with a grade of 1.0 to 1.99. English&101 (College Composition) will be accepted only with a grade of 2.0 or higher. Courses with a grade below 2.0 may not be used to meet prerequisites. Please see the following section on “Procedure for Transcript Evaluation” for additional information. Courses identified as non-credit are subject to the “Non-Traditional Learning” section that follows.

International Institutions of Higher Education

Credit for study completed in appropriate subjects and levels at universities and colleges outside the U.S. will be considered for transfer credit. Work completed at foreign colleges and universities must be evaluated through a foreign credentials service. The reports translated into English from this service must be submitted for further evaluation.

Limitations on Transfer of Courses or Credits

Transfer credit is not usually accepted for the following types of study or coursework:

  1. Courses taken at colleges or universities that are not regionally accredited;
  2. Non-credit courses and workshops;
  3. Remedial or college preparatory courses; and
  4. Sectarian religious studies. For exceptions, please see “Credit for Non-traditional learning” in this section. (Award of Credit Policy - Adopted by IPC - 3/09, updated 6/11)

Common Course Numbering

All Washington state community and technical colleges use a Common Course Numbering system. The system identifies courses that are equivalent at community colleges throughout the state to make it easier for students to transfer between two-year colleges. The courses with an ampersand “&” after the prefix code are part of the Common Course Numbering system. However, courses without an “&” will continue to transfer between two-year and four-year colleges under individual Direct Transfer Agreements as in the past.

Agreements to Accept Courses from Other Colleges or Institutions

  • Students completing prerequisites and required courses at Peninsula College in preparation for the Olympic College Physical Therapist Assistant program should follow one of the two pathways that have been developed.
  • Students enrolling in the Early Childhood Education program who have completed the U.S. Department of Defense Standardized Caregiver Modules are eligible to receive 13 credits in Early Childhood Education courses with a completed application and payment if completed in the prior six years.

Other Ways to Earn Credit

Advanced Placement Credit - Credit may be earned through the Advanced Placement program offered by the College Board. Please have the College Board submit test scores directly to the Registration & Records office. For Olympic College credits offered by Advanced Placement score, visit olympic.edu, and search by “Advanced Placement scores.”

International Baccalaureate Credit - Students may be eligible for Olympic College course credit for work completed through the International Baccalaureate program for a combination of subject grades and general education credits. Please request that the International Baccalaureate organization submit an official International Baccalaureate transcript directly to the Registration & Records office. See Step 3 of the “Procedures for Transcript Evaluation” in this section.

CTE Dual Credit - Through the “Direct Transcript of CTE Dual Credit” agreement, high school and college credit may be earned at the same time. High school or technical school students who have earned a “B” grade or higher in specific CTE Dual Credit courses may submit an application for college credit through their teacher. Articulated CTE Dual Credit courses are matched to OC professional/ technical courses and are transcribed to the student’s college transcript for college credit.

Credit for Non-Traditional Learning (Alternate Learning Credit)

Olympic College awards credit for four types of non-traditional learning:

  1. Credit by Testing: Commonly accepted higher education equivalency exams that are documented via a transcript or other official record. Actual credits awarded will depend on scores and departmental requirements. These requirements are subject to change and will be posted on the Olympic College website.
    • Advanced Placement 
    • International Baccalaureate
    • College Level Examination Program 
    • Cambridge “A” Level Exam

Veterans: Includes Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support Subjects Standardized Test (DANTES SST)

  1. Credit for Prior Experiential Learning: Knowledge and skills acquired through experience alone, evaluated subjectively by faculty via evaluation of a compilation of work.

    When possible, Olympic College will use crosswalks and other equivalencies previously determined to award credit for knowledge and skills gained through work and life experience, and those gained through education or training at unaccredited institutions. Examples include American Council on Education recommendations for Military Experience, Armed Forces schools, DANTES SST scores, College Level Examination Program, Credit by Examination, and Credit by Vertical Challenge. See items 1, 3 and 4.

    When no such equivalency has been established, credit for such knowledge and skills must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by a faculty advisor in the discipline. The following limitations apply:
    • Students must be enrolled at Olympic College (or be accepted to a competitive entry program) before credit evaluation is considered.
    • There is no assurance that any credit may be granted until after the credit evaluation review.
    • Credit may be granted only for documented student achievement equivalent to expected learning achievement in curricular areas offered at Olympic College.
    • Credit is granted only on recommendation of qualified teaching faculty appropriate to the degree goal.
    • Credit from prior experiential learning is identified on the student transcript and is limited to 25% of the credits needed for a degree or certificate.
  2. Extra-Institutional Learning: Knowledge and skills acquired outside the institution and objectively verified through third-party certifications, industry-recognized testing/training, or crosswalks.
    • Individual industry certifications (e.g., NCLEX-RN)
    • Occupational Crosswalks (Police, Fire, AmeriCorps, etc.)

Veterans: Includes Military Service and American Council on Education recommendations for JST Military School courses and for Military Experience.

  1. Course Challenges: Challenge examinations are sufficiently comprehensive to determine that the student has the same knowledge and skills as those students who enroll in and successfully complete the course. The student should have previous training, private study, work experience, or other bona fide qualifications indicating that the student has the knowledge or abilities equivalent to course completers.


Transcript Evaluation - Students must submit transcripts for all post-secondary institutions they attended before an evaluation of transfer credit will be processed.

NOTE: Depending on the time of application and the high volume of requests, transcript evaluations can take up to 12 weeks after the arrival of all transcripts and the submittal of the Transcript Evaluation Request Form form available on our website. New students enrolled for their first term at the college should not request an official evaluation until the second week of their first term of enrollment at Olympic College. Current or formerly enrolled Olympic College students may request transcript evaluation at any time.

  1. Steps for transcript evaluation:
    1. Visit the Olympic College Transfer Credit Evaluation webpage and complete the Transcript Evaluation Request Form.
    2. Submit all official transcripts listed on your request form. Official transcripts are sent directly from the school to Olympic College and can be submitted via hard copy or electronically.
      1. Paper copies via USPS mail: Official transcripts are sealed (unopened) and should be sent to: Olympic College, Registration & Records, 1600 Chester Ave., Bremerton, WA 98337
      2. Electronic transcripts: Official Transcripts can be sent electronically to evaluators@olympic.edu
    3. When all transcripts are received and the tenth day of the term has passed (for new students), the request will be queued for processing.
    4. The number of credits accepted from each institution will be notated on the Olympic College transcript.

All transcripts must be submitted in English. Special procedures are required for international universities. Contact the Evaluations staff for information at evaluators@olympic.edu.

Credit by Examination - Current Olympic College students may apply to take a comprehensive examination covering the subject matter contained in a course designated by the division/discipline as eligible for credit by examination. Not all courses are eligible for such credit. An examination of this type for a particular course may be taken only once during any 12-month period. The procedure is as follows:

  • Obtain the required Credit by Examination form from the division that offers the course.
  • Make an appointment with the division’s dean to discuss the examination and if appropriate, confer with a faculty member of the discipline in which the course is offered.
  • Upon approval of the division dean, take the completed form to the Cashier and pay the special examination fee.
  • Return the form and Cashier’s receipt to the division office.
  • Take the examination(s).

Credit by Vertical Challenge - Current Olympic College students may apply to earn credit for certain courses designated by the division and discipline as appropriate for vertical challenge. Through this process, students may be permitted to register for a designated advanced course and receive credits with a grade of “P” for the bypassed course. A numerical grade of 3.0 or higher in the advanced course is required for consideration of the vertical challenge credit for the bypassed course. The only grade that can be earned in the bypassed course is “P.” To apply for vertical challenge credit:

  • Make an appointment with the appropriate division dean to discuss what courses are approved to bypass.
  • Obtain the “Credit by Vertical Challenge” form from the division dean’s office. Complete the form and obtain the dean’s signature prior to the third week of the term.
  • Take the form to the Registrar’s Office and enroll in the advanced course or scan and email it to registration@olympic.edu.
  • Take the vertical challenge form and the registration receipt to the Cashier and pay the required transcription fee. If you email it to us, we will forward to Cashiering and they will post the fee to your account and you can pay online through ctcLink once it’s posted. 
  • When the term is completed, the student will receive notification of the final decision and appropriate courses will be posted to the transcript.

Professional-Technical Credit - Credit may be awarded in professional-technical programs for experience and/or competency gained outside Olympic College. Credit may be granted for courses taken in proprietary colleges, military service schools or journeyman-level work experience. Contact the advisor of a specific professional/technical program for more information. The advisor may recommend completion of credit by examination or vertical challenge as part of this process.

Placement Reciprocity Agreement Policy

Placement reciprocity allows you to request placement into pre-college and college-level courses at Olympic College based on your placement at another Washington Community or Technical College.

How to Qualify

The original placement (test score or prior course completion) must be dated within 12 months of your request.

You must provide a copy of the document that provides specific placement recommendation information from the sending institution. For test scores this should be on your score/placement sheet. For previous coursework, please provide a copy of relevant course sequence information, if available.

You must have applied to Olympic College for the upcoming or current term and have a ctcLink ID.

If applicable, you must have submitted any necessary transcripts from Washington Community or Technical Colleges for evaluation (credit earned at other institutions with a completion of a 2.0 (C) or higher each semester or term) using the Transcript Evaluation Request Form. For reciprocity placement purposes only, an unofficial or official transcript may be used for review.

You must submit the form in person to Registration and Records at the Bremerton, Poulsbo or Shelton campuses OR mail to Registration & Records, OR email evaluators@olympic.edu. Please contact the Registration & Records office or evaluators@olympic.edu to receive a copy of the form to be filled out.

How We Notify You

You will be notified by email when the request has been processed. If the request is complete, you will be provided with a course entry code to register for the appropriate course.


  • Course numbers are not always the same across Washington state colleges - your placement will be into the Olympic College course that is the closest equivalent to where you placed at the previous school.
  • Entry codes are good for one term only. If you do not enroll, you will need to make the request again for the next term if you still qualify.
  • Once you successfully complete a math and English course at Olympic College you no longer will need to request reciprocity placement for subsequent terms.


Decimal to letter grade comparison
  3.9 - 4.0 A    
  3.5 - 3.8 A-  
  3.2 - 3.4 B+  
  2.9 - 3.1 B  
  2.5 - 2.8 B-  
  2.2 - 2.4 C+  
  1.9 - 2.1 C  
  1.5 - 1.8 C-  
  1.2 - 1.4 D+  
  0.9 - 1.1 D  
  0.7 - 0.8 D-  
  0.0** F  
**NOTE: Grades of 0.1 through 0.6 are not used.

Grades on ctcLink

Grades are available three to five days after the end of the final examination period and may be accessed via your ctcLink Student Homepage. Grade reports are not mailed.

Decimal Grades

Olympic College uses a decimal grading system. The decimal grade chart in this section lists a letter grade for comparison purposes only; letter grades do not appear on the official transcript.

Other Grade Designations

* (Grade Not Reported)

The “*” asterisk symbol is used when the reporting of a grade is not required (i.e., a community service course), or when a grade has not been submitted to the Registrar by a faculty member in time for inclusion on a student’s grade report or transcript.

I (Incomplete)

The “I” grade is used to indicate that a grade has been deferred. The instructor may choose to award an “I” grade to a student who is making progress, but for reasons beyond the student’s control, is unable to complete course requirements on time. To award an “I” grade, the instructor must submit an “Incomplete Grade Contract” to the Registration & Records office by emailing registration@olympic.edu. The instructor must specify the work to be completed and the grade to which the “I” will revert if the work is not completed by the specified time. The “I” grade does not count for college credit, nor is it computed in the grade point average (GPA).

NOTE: Usually, an incomplete contract is for a maximum of 120 days. If the grade is not received from the instructor or the specified work is not completed by the student within 120 days, the grade will revert from an “I” to the grade noted on the contract or if a default grade is not noted, the grade will revert to a fail (0.0).

N (Audit)

To audit a course means to participate without evaluation. The “N” grade is not counted for college credit, nor is it computed in the grade point average. To audit a course, a student must submit an audit request form to the Registration & Records office via email to registration@olympic.edu by the tenth instructional day of the term. If the course is classified as late-starting or continuous enrollment, the form must be submitted prior to 20 percent of the course being completed. Payment of regular tuition and fees is required.

P/NC (Pass/No Credit)

For a course designated by the college as “Pass/ No Credit,” the grades of “P” or “NC” must be assigned. In addition, a student may select the “Pass/No Credit” option for a course by submitting a “Pass/No Credit” form to the Registration & Records office by the 10th instructional day of the term. For zero-credit, Adult Basic Education and community service courses, a “P” or “NC” grade is assigned. For credit courses, the “P” grade may be assigned and is defined as a grade point of 2.0 or higher. The “P” grade is not used in the grade point average (GPA) calculation.

NOTE: Upon transfer, some educational institutions may convert the “P” grade to a “C” for purposes of grade point average (GPA) calculation.

NC (No Credit)

The “NC” grade is assigned for failure to complete satisfactorily a zero-credit course, or a course designated by the college or selected by the student as “Pass/No Credit.” The “NC” grade is not counted for college credit, nor is it included in the GPA.

W (Official Withdrawal)

An instructor cannot assign a “W” grade. The “W” grade will be assigned automatically by the Registration & Records office when a student officially withdraws from a course between the 10th and 30th instructional day of the term or prior to the completion of 60 percent of the course. Except for compelling reasons, a student is not allowed to drop a course or withdraw completely from the college after the 31st instructional day or after 60 percent of the course has been completed. Examples of compelling reasons include documented proof of death in the immediate family, serious illness, injury or surgery, or unexpected and mandatory job shift or change.

WP (Discontinued Attendance - Passing)

The “WP” grade may be assigned by the instructor to indicate that the student did not complete enough of the course to be graded and achieved a passing grade while in attendance. The “WP” grade is not counted for college credit, nor is it computed in the GPA. (See “General Academic Progress“ in this section.)

WF (Discontinued Attendance - Failing)

The “WF” grade may be assigned by the instructor to indicate that the student did not complete enough of the course to be graded and did not achieve a passing grade while in attendance. The “WF” grade is not counted for college credit, nor is it computed in the GPA. (See “General Academic Progress” in this section.)

Grade Change

Only the instructor may change a grade. Submission of the grade change is limited to the next term (excluding Summer Term) after the grade has been officially tendered to the student. This procedure does not apply to “I” grades.

Grade Forgiveness

Although grades are not removed from a transcript, former Olympic College students who have not been in full-time enrollment status at any college for the preceding two or more years may petition to amend the GPA. Students may petition once they have successfully completed, with a 2.0 GPA or higher, at least 12 term credits at Olympic College. To request grade forgiveness, submit a written request to the Dean of Enrollment Services, specifying a “cut-off” date. If the request is approved, a “cut-off” line will be drawn across the transcript and the notation made that grades recorded prior to the date established by the line will not be used in computing the GPA. For graduation purposes, students may use credits completed prior to the selected date. The request must specify the desired credits and courses to be retained. Grade forgiveness may not be used to qualify for an honors designation. Caution: For purposes of transfer, other educational institutions may not recognize the Olympic College grade forgiveness policy.

Repeated Courses

A student may repeat a course up to two times (that is, a student may take the same course a maximum of three times). If a grade of 2.0 or a designated grade required as a prerequisite to another course is not achieved after three attempts, the student may request an opportunity to repeat again by submitting a written rationale and an unofficial transcript to a full-time professor in the subject. The instructor’s signature is required to register. Credits can only be earned once, and the highest grade awarded is the final grade used in the grade point average.

Course Substitutions

As appropriate, faculty in professional-technical programs may choose to substitute one course for another in degrees and certificates, including AAS and ATA degrees, and all certificates. Contact your program advisor for information.

Honors Designations

Quarterly Designations

Quarterly honors designations recognize scholastic achievement of Olympic College students at the associate level. Students who qualify for quarterly honors will receive a letter of commendation. Criteria for the awards include:

  • Completion of 12 credits during the term for which the award is given
  • The grades for these credits must calculate in the overall GPA
  • Grade point average requirements:
    - President’s Scholars: 3.9 - 4.0 GPA
    - Deans’ Scholars: 3.5 - 3.89 GPA

Graduation Designations

The “graduation with honors” designation recognizes those students who have achieved a certain college-level GPA. Any honors notation will be placed with the graduate’s name in the Commencement Ceremony program. Honors graduation is also noted on the student transcript. Criteria for the awards include:

  • Only credits earned at Olympic College will count towards the award.
  • All credit earned at Olympic College will be included in the GPA calculation.
  • At least 24 GPA credits of 100-level coursework or higher must have been earned at Olympic College for an associate designation. At least 45 credits of 100-level coursework or higher must have been earned at Olympic College for a bachelor’s designation.

For the associate degree programs, honors designations are:

  • President’s Scholars: 3.9 - 4.0
  • Deans’ Scholars: 3.5 - 3.89

President’s Scholars may wear a gold honor cord, and Deans’ Scholars a silver honor cord at the graduation ceremony. President’s Scholars with a 4.0 GPA will be awarded the President’s Medal.

For the bachelor’s degree programs, honors designations are:

  • Cum Laude: With Praise 3.5-3.74 GPA
  • Magna Cum Laude: With Great Praise 3.75-3.89 GPA
  • Summa Cum Laude: With Highest Praise 3.9-4.0 GPA

Academic Standards Progress

This policy is designed to help students who are having academic difficulty. The purpose is to quickly identify students whose quarterly GPA falls below 2.0 and provide assistance to improve their academic standing. Students will be alerted to their academic status and provided assistance to improve their academic performance. The Academic Standards Progress Policy provides for academic suspension in cases where students are unable to achieve satisfactory academic standing.

Individual college programs such as high school completion, international student programs, veteran programs, certain vocational/technical programs and students receiving financial aid may have different and/or additional academic standard requirements and appeal processes. Students in these programs should contact their program advisor for information regarding these requirements.


Students are expected to maintain a satisfactory grade point average for credits attempted. A minimum quarterly GPA of 2.0 must be maintained when 6 or more credits are attempted to be in good standing. Academic deficiency is defined as failure to maintain the minimum quarterly grade point average requirement of 2.0.

  • After the first term in which a student is academically deficient, s/he will be placed on Academic Alert.
  • After the second consecutive term in which a student is academically deficient, the student will be placed on Academic Warning.
  • After the third consecutive term of academic deficiency, the student will be placed on Academic Suspension from the college for one term.
  • A student is removed from Academic Alert or Academic Warning at the end of the term in which a 2.00 GPA or higher is achieved.

The Office of the Registrar monitors the Academic Standards Progress Policy. A student may appeal a One-Term Academic Suspension by completing the appeals process. Each student gets one appeal to a One-Term Academic Suspension per instance.

If a student appeals their One-Term Academic Suspension and does not achieve satisfactory academic progress of a quarterly 2.0 GPA their next term, they will automatically be suspended for 4 consecutive terms. There is no appeal for a Four-Term Academic Suspension.

Students will be blocked from registering for classes while on Academic Suspension. If they have already registered for classes before the suspension reports can be run, they will be administratively dropped from registered classes and paid tuition will be refunded.

This policy applies to all students enrolled in credit-bearing classes.

Grade Appeal Procedure


The purpose of the grade appeal procedure is to provide students with an orderly, prompt, and fair process for raising concerns about final grades and to protect each student against arbitrary or capricious academic evaluation. Arbitrary or capricious action is action taken without consideration or in disregard of the facts and circumstances. An action is not arbitrary or capricious when there is room for two opinions and the instructor acted honestly and with due consideration of the facts.

Appeal expectations and conditions:

A grade appeal applies to ONLY the final course grade.

The instructor is responsible for the assignment of a student’s final grade and any adjustments that may result from the appeal.

The student is responsible for providing the College with current and accurate contact information during the appeal process.

In a grade appeal, if necessary, the dean will meet with the student; generally, no other advocate may be present. At the dean’s discretion, others may be included. A signed FERPA release (Permission to Release Student Records) will be required in this case.

If necessary, the dean will also meet with the instructor.


Informal Resolution - Meeting with Instructor
Before pursuing a formal grade appeal with the dean, a student must first meet with and review his or her grade with the instructor who assigned the grade. During this meeting, the student should explain the reason he or she believes the final grade should be revised. The purpose of this meeting is to clarify the perceived problem and request specific action. Many misunderstandings related to a final grade can be resolved through this informal resolution process.

Formal Appeal to the Dean
If the student and the instructor are unable to resolve the student’s concerns during the informal resolution process, the student may pursue the formal grade appeal process. The formal grade appeal must be done in writing to the instructor’s dean, with a copy to the instructor, within the first three instructional weeks of the subsequent term, including Summer Session. Because many faculty members are not on campus during Summer Session, some Spring Term grade appeals may not be resolved until Fall Term. The appeal letter shall include the following information:

  • Student’s name
  • Student’s current mailing address
  • Student’s current email address
  • Instructor’s Name
  • Course name and number
  • The term the class was completed and grade received
  • A description of the grade dispute
  • A summary of the actions the student has taken to resolve the grade dispute, and
  • Proposed solution

The student should also provide all relevant documentation related to the grade dispute such as graded assignments, test results, and the syllabus.

Upon receipt of the written appeal, the dean will forward the student’s written appeal and supporting documentation to the instructor. The instructor must provide a written response to the dean and the student within 10 instructional days. Within 21 days of receiving the instructor’s response, the dean will review the documentation presented by the student and instructor and will meet with the student and, if necessary, the instructor. The dean will provide a written ruling to the student, with a copy to the instructor within 10 days of the appeal meeting with the student.

The sole issue for the dean to consider during the appeal process is whether the instructor’s grade is arbitrary or capricious. Arbitrary or capricious action is action taken without consideration or in disregard of the facts and circumstances. An action is not arbitrary and capricious when there is room for two opinions and the instructor acted honestly and with due consideration of the facts.

Appeal of the Dean’s Ruling
A student may appeal the dean’s written ruling by submitting a notice of appeal to the dean identifying specific grounds of appeal for further review. The notice of appeal must be delivered to the dean’s office within 10 days after the student’s receipt of the dean’s written ruling. The student will be presumed to have received a copy of the written ruling 5 days after the ruling is placed in the mail.

Upon receipt of a timely notice of appeal, the dean will appoint a review team of 3 faculty members from the discipline or related disciplines. When the number of faculty within a discipline allows, at least 2 members of the review team should be from the discipline. The team’s review is limited to the documentation submitted by the student and the instructor and the dean’s written ruling. The sole issue before the review team is whether the grade issued to the student by the instructor was arbitrary or capricious.

Faculty review team will distribute a written ruling to the student and instructor within 15 instructional days with a copy to the dean. If the faculty review team does not find the instructor’s grade arbitrary or capricious, then the written ruling by the faculty review team is the final step in the appeal process. No further appeal may be made after that.

In the event the grade is found to be arbitrary or capricious and the instructor of record refuses to reconsider the awarded grade or is unavailable to reconsider the awarded grade, the student’s work will be independently evaluated by another qualified instructor in the discipline, and the office of the Registrar may initiate a grade changed based on the qualified instructor’s assessment.

Enrollment in Courses

Students are not guaranteed the unrestricted right to enroll in any specific course or program. Within the Washington Administration Code and the policies of the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Olympic College reserves the right to deny admission to or cancel the registration of any individual whose enrollment is inconsistent with the best interests of the student, other students, or the established policies of the college.

Applied Baccalaureate Upper-Division Courses
In adherence with the intent of the legislation authorizing SBCTC colleges to offer baccalaureate education in applied subjects, the following policy defines who may enroll in upper-division courses.
Upper-division coursework is defined as courses numbering 300 or higher.
To be eligible to enroll in upper-division courses, a student (including non-matriculating students enrolled in prerequisite or co-requisite courses leading to upper-division coursework) must meet at least one of the following eligibility criteria:

  • Admission to a baccalaureate program. 
  • “Junior standing” based on earned credits or past degree awards. “Junior standing” is defined as a student who has completed an associate degree or higher, or 90+ college-level credits. 
  • Completion of an appropriate body of preparation as determined by the college. This could include 
  • Membership in a professional registry, or holding a licensure, closely related or required for the upper-division course. 
  • Employment or other life experience that qualifies for credit for prior learning and meets the upper-division course prerequisites. To be eligible to enroll in an upper-division certificate program, students must meet one of the eligibility criteria listed above for upper-division courses. Colleges may create additional admission requirements for upper-division certificates.

Student Records

The Registration & Records office maintains official student transcripts and academic records for all students who have or are attending Olympic College.

All student record requests are submitted to this office, including: official transcripts, verification of enrollment, change of name and address, application to graduate, and credit evaluation.

Use ctcLink to Access Records

Students may use the ctcLink Student Homepage or Mobile Dashboard to view their transcripts, quarterly course schedules, grades and similar information.

Self-serve ctcLink kiosks are available at convenient locations on Olympic College campuses and students may access ctcLink via any computer with an Internet connection. To view online, visit: ptprd.ctclink.us.


Visit the Transcripts webpage to order transcripts online from our transcript partner, Parchment. Log in or register and follow the instructions, and pay the service fee using a credit card. Transcripts will be sent out in seven to ten business days. If you do not remember your student ID, you can bypass the need for your Student ID by entering 111111111 or ‘unknown’ in the area where Parchment requests your Student ID. Unfortunately, we do not offer the ‘send electronic’ option in Parchment because we do not have the ability to send transcripts electronically at this time. We can send some transcripts electronically through a central database to select colleges and universities within the state of Washington but we do not offer the option in Parchment because it would be too confusing for our requesters. If your transcript is going to a public university or college within the state of Washington, it will automatically be sent electronically. Otherwise, a paper transcript will be mailed if the destination is outside Washington state. Please allow up to 2 weeks for the receiving institution to receive it by mail.

Unofficial transcripts are free and may be printed from the ctcLink Student Homepage or Mobile Dashboard. Official transcripts may be ordered directly from the college by letter or email. Requests made directly to the college will be processed in 7 to 10 days. Visit our Transcript webpage, complete the Transcript Request Form and submit to the Registration & Records Office at registration@olympic.edu or in person at the Welcome Center, or fax to 360-475-7202. Information to include on the form:

  • ctcLink number OR SID (Student Identification Number)
  • Social security number
  • Birth date
  • Dates of attendance
  • Previous names used
  • Current mailing address/phone number of where the transcript is to be sent
  • The signature of the student is required to release the transcript (as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.)

The cost per transcript is noted on Olympic College’s website. If you choose not to order your transcript through Parchment, you will need to pay in person at the Cashier’s Office. Cash, personal check, money order, Visa or MasterCard card accepted (include credit card number, expiration date, and three-digit security code found on the back of the card).

Credit card payments may also be made by calling the Cashier. Official transcripts will not be sent by fax.

Applied Baccalaureate Upper-Division Course Policy

In adherence with the intent of the legislation authorizing SBCTC colleges to offer baccalaureate education in applied subjects, the following policy defines who may enroll in upper-division courses. Upper-division coursework is defined as courses numbering 300 or higher. To be eligible to enroll in upper-division courses (including non-matriculating students enrolled in prerequisite or co-requisite courses leading to upper-division coursework) must meet at least one of the following eligibility criteria:

  • Admission to a baccalaureate program
  • “Junior standing” based on earned credits or past degree awards. “Junior standing” is defined as a student who has completed an associate degree or higher, or 90+ college-level credits
  • Completion of an appropriate body of preparation as determined by the college. This could include
    • Membership in a professional registry, or holding licensure, closely related or required for the upper-division course.
    • Employment or other life experience that qualifies for credit for prior learning and meets the upper-division course prerequisites.

Confidentiality of Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) gives students certain rights with respect to their education records, including the right to:

  1. Inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the date the college receives a request for access. The student should submit a written request to the Registrar identifying the record(s) they wish to inspect. The Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
  2. Request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights. To request amendment, students should write the Registrar, clearly identify the part of the record they wish changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the college decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the college will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to an appeal regarding the request for amendment and include additional information regarding the appeal procedures.
  3. Consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to college officials with legitimate educational interests.
  4. Prevent release of directory information. Directory information released by the college includes: Student’s name, major field of study, enrollment status, participation in recognized sports, dates of attendance, degree or certificate earned, and term degree or certificate awarded. Olympic College may release this information at any time unless the college has received prior written notice from the student, filed in the Ranger Station - Registration & Records office, requesting that directory information not be released. All other information may be released only upon the written consent of the student unless described above or in compliance with a court order.
  5. File a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Olympic College to comply with the requirements of FERPA, by emailing FERPA.Complaints@ed.gov or writing to:
         Student Privacy Policy Office
         U.S. Department of Education
         400 Maryland Ave, SW
         Washington DC, 20202-8520

A complete copy of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) policy may be obtained from the Vice President of Student Services, the college Registrar, or by visiting the Olympic College website.

Directory Information

The college designates the following items as directory information:

  • Student’s name
  • Major field of study
  • Enrollment status
  • Dates of attendance
  • Degree or certificate awarded
  • Term degree or certificate conferred
  • Participation in recognized sports

The college may disclose personally identifiable information designated as directory information from a student’s education records without prior consent, unless the student informs the Ranger Station in writing that directory information should not be released without their written approval. This request will prevent any release of information to a third party without signed consent from the student. In addition, the electronic record will be annotated, preventing electronic release of information, with the words “no release” in the student database records. This certification does not preclude the verification of degrees awarded for graduation purposes.

Students may file a request for “no release” or limited release of information at the Registrar’s Office. Students who wish to restrict directory information should realize that their names will not appear in the commencement bulletin and other college publications. Also, employers, credit card companies, loan agencies, scholarship committees and the like will be denied any of the student’s directory information and will be informed that we have no information available about the student’s attendance at Olympic College.

Disclosure of Education Records

The college may, at its discretion, make disclosures from student education records:

  • To college officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the records, including college administrative and clerical staff, faculty, and students officially elected or appointed to Student Government of Olympic College or employed by the college including contractors such as the National Student Clearinghouse.
  • To officials of another school where the student seeks or intends to enroll.
  • To authorized federal, state or local officials as required by law, including the U.S. Comptroller General.
  • In connection with the student’s financial aid request or award and if the information is necessary for certain purposes set forth in the regulations, including eligibility, the amount of aid, the conditions for aid or to enforce terms or conditions of the aid.
  • To comply with a judicial order, lawfully issued subpoena or IRS summons (the college must make a reasonable effort to notify the student in advance of compliance, unless the court has ordered non-disclosure).
  • To appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency.
  • To the parents of a dependent student, claimed as dependent for income tax purposes as defined in section 152 of Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The college is not required to disclose information to any parent of a dependent student, but may exercise its discretion to do so.
  • To organizations or individuals conducting studies for or on behalf of an educational agency or institution if conducted in a manner that does not permit personal identification of the students.
  • To the victim of an alleged crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense.
  • To the parent of a student under the age of 21 if the student has violated any federal, state or local law, college rule or policy, governing the use of alcohol or a controlled substance if the institution has determined that the student committed a disciplinary violation.
  • To military recruiters authorized to obtain specific information under the Solomon Amendment.

Education records released to third parties shall be accompanied by a statement indicating that the information cannot be subsequently released in a personally identifiable form to other parties without obtaining the consent of the student. The college is not precluded from permitting third party disclosure to other parties listed.


Associate Degrees and Certificates

For degrees and certificates, students must apply to graduate. The “Application for Graduation” forms are available at all Olympic College registration offices or on the Olympic College website at olympic.edu/current-students/graduation. If the application cannot be approved as submitted, written notification will be given.

Degree - Graduation Application

Prospective graduates should meet with their advisor to complete the application to graduate one term prior to the date degree requirements will be finished. The signature of the advisor and the division are required on the applications for Associate in Technical Arts (ATA), Applied Science (AAS) and Applied Science Transfer (AAS-T).

Applications must be submitted to the Cashier at your local campus; a $30 fee (non-refundable) will be charged for the first degree application. A $10 fee (non-refundable) will be charged for each subsequent degree.

Certificates - Graduation Application

Students must submit an application for each certificate to be completed and see their advisor for assistance and signature. Return the completed application to the Cashier at your local campus. A fee of $20 is charged for the first certificate application. A $10 fee (non-refundable) will be charged for each subsequent certificate.

Graduation Application Deadlines

Last day to file for 2020-2021

  • Summer Quarter - Aug. 5, 2021
  • Fall Quarter - Oct. 15, 2021
  • Winter Quarter - Jan. 28, 2022
  • Spring Quarter - April 21, 2022


Commencement (graduation) typically takes place in June of each academic year, although degree requirements may be completed during any term. Graduation instructions will be sent to graduates approximately two weeks before Commencement. Gowns, honor cords (see “Honors Designations” in this catalog), and invitations may be purchased at the Olympic College Bookstore. Certificates are not awarded at Commencement.