2021-2022 Olympic College Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2021-2022 Olympic College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses Meeting Graduation Requirements in Associate Degrees

Courses for the Associate Transfer Degrees and other Associate Degrees. Only those courses numbered 100 and above are acceptable. All courses 195/295, 198/298, and 199/299 will be evaluated individually except as noted below. Continuing Education credits may not be used. Courses which were on these lists when taken may also be applied.

Humanities Distribution (H, H/SP)

Choose from at least two different disciplines. No more than 10 credits in any one discipline. A maximum of 5 credits in Skills Performance (H/SP) can be applied toward Humanities distribution. Additional credits may be applied as electives.

A maximum of 5 credits in world language at the 100 level can be applied toward Humanities distribution. Additional credits may be applied as electives.

Group A:Humanities (H)

Courses with ^symbol also meet Diversity & Social Justice (DSJ) requirement.

American Ethnic & Gender Studies - all^

Anthropology - ANTH& 207 ^, ANTH 325 ANTH 335 
Art - ART& 100 ART 102 ART 103 ART 104 ART 106 ART 107 ART 110 ART 111 ART 117 ART 173 
Communication Studies - all
Dramatic Arts - all
English - all except ENGL& 101, ENGL& 102, ENGL& 235, ENGL 301 

Geography: GEOG& 200   

History - HIST 230 , HIST 253  
Humanities - all
Music - MUSC 101 MUSC 102 MUSC& 105 MUSC& 141 MUSC& 142 MUSC& 143 , MUSC 180 ^ , MUSC 185 MUSC 188 MUSC 189 MUSC 239 MUSC 240 MUSC& 241 MUSC& 242 MUSC& 243 
Philosophy - PHIL& 101 PHIL& 115 PHIL 240 
Political Science - POLS 175 POLS& 201 POLS 235 POLS 255 

World Languages

No more than 5 credits at the 100 level can be applied toward Humanities distribution. Additional credits may be applied as electives.

American Sign Language -  ASL& 121 ASL& 122 ASL& 123 
French - FRCH& 121 FRCH& 122 FRCH& 123 
German - GERM& 121 GERM& 122 GERM& 123 
Japanese - JAPN& 121 JAPN& 122 JAPN& 123 
Korean - KREA& 121 KREA& 122 KREA& 123 
Spanish - SPAN& 121 SPAN& 122 SPAN& 123 SPAN& 221 

Group B: Skills Performance (H/SP)

No more than 5 credits in Skills Performance (H/SP) can be applied toward Humanities distribution. Additional credits may be applied as electives.

Art - ART 120 ART 125 ART 206 ART 210 ART 225 ART 226 ART 230 ART 231 ART 232 ART 240 ART 241 ART 242 ART 266 ART 267 ART 268 

Music - MUSC 103 MUSC 106 MUSC 109 MUSC 117 MUSC 120 MUSC 123 , MUSC 124 , MUSC 125 MUSC 133 MUSC 136 MUSC 144 , MUSC 223  , MUSC 224 , MUSC 225  , MUSC 233 , any P-MUS course (Private Music Lessons)

Social Sciences Distribution (SS)

Courses with ^symbol also meet Diversity & Social Justice (DSJ) requirement.

American Ethnic & Gender Studies - all, except  AEGS 205
Anthropology - ANTH& 100 ^, ANTH& 204 ^, ANTH& 205 ^, ANTH& 206 ^, ANTH& 207 ^, ANTH& 210 ^, ANTH 212 ^, ANTH 270 ANTH 325 ANTH 335 ANTH 350 
Baccalaureate Nursing - BNURS 323 
Business - BUS& 101 
Early Childhood Education - ECED& 105 
Economics - ECON& 201 ECON& 202 
Education - EDUC& 121 EDUC& 122 , EDUC& 202 ^ , EDUC& 204 
Engineering - ENGR& 104 
Geography - GEOG& 100 , GEOG& 200 GEOG& 207 , GEOG 210 ^, GEOG& 250 
History - all
Human Services - HS 107 ^
Human Services Substance Abuse Counselor - HSSA& 101 
Humanities - HUMAN 145 HUMAN 175 HUMAN 235 , HUMAN 253 , HUMAN 320  
Philosophy - PHIL& 101 PHIL& 115 PHIL& 120 PHIL 240 
Political Science - POLS& 101 POLS 115 POLS 145 POLS 175 POLS& 201 POLS& 202 POLS& 203 POLS 235 POLS 255 POLS 323 
Psychology - all
Sociology - all

Natural Sciences Distribution (NS)

Courses with ^symbol also meet Diversity & Social Justice (DSJ) requirement.

Lab Courses:

Minimum one course required

Biology - BIOL 101 BIOL 114 BIOL 115 BIOL 120 BIOL 130 BIOL 131 BIOL 132 BIOL 140 ^, BIOL& 160 BIOL& 175 BIOL& 211 BIOL& 212 BIOL& 213 BIOL& 241 BIOL& 242 BIOL& 260 
Chemistry - CHEM& 110 CHEM& 121 CHEM& 131 CHEM 137 CHEM& 151 CHEM& 152 CHEM& 153 , CHEM& 251 , CHEM& 252 CHEM& 253 
Geography - GEOG 150 
Geology - GEOL& 101 GEOL& 103 GEOL& 110 GEOL& 208 
Oceanography - OCEA& 101 
Physics - PHYS 110 PHYS 114 PHYS 115 PHYS 116 PHYS 254 PHYS 255 PHYS 256 

Non-lab courses:

Anthropology - ANTH& 205 
Astronomy - ASTRO 101 ASTRO 102 ASTRO 105 
Biology - BIOL 104 , BIOL 351 , BIOL 360  
Chemistry - CHEM& 139 CHEM& 141 CHEM& 142 CHEM& 143 CHEM& 241 CHEM& 242 CHEM& 243 
Geography - GEOG& 100 GEOG 260 
Geology - GEOL& 100 GEOL 155 
Meteorology - MTEOR 101 
Nutrition - NUTR& 101 
Science - SCI 100 

Other than physical, biological, and earth sciences:

No more than five credits from the following in Natural Sciences distribution:

Business - BUS 215 
Computer Science - CS& 141 CS 143 CS 170 CS 210 CS 240 
Engineering - ENGR 240 
Mathematics - MATH& 107 MATH 112 MATH& 131 MATH& 132 MATH& 141 MATH& 142 , MATH 143 , MATH& 146 , MATH 147 , MATH& 148 MATH& 151 MATH& 152 MATH& 163 MATH 210 MATH 221 MATH 222 MATH 240 MATH 250 MATH& 264 
Philosophy - PHIL& 120 


There are two types of electives: Fully Transferable and Restricted. No more than 15 credits of Restricted electives may be used in an AA/DTA degree.

Fully Transferable:

ALL courses listed in the Communication and Symbolic Reasoning Skill Areas; and the Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences distributions; plus the following:

Accounting - ACCT& 201 ACCT& 202 ACCT& 203 
Baccalaureate Nursing - BNURS 320 
Business - BUS& 201 BUS 330 
Computer Information Systems - CIS 141 
Education - EDUC& 115 EDUC 199 
Engineering - ENGR 111 ENGR& 114 ENGR& 204 ENGR& 214 ENGR& 215 ENGR 216 ENGR& 224 ENGR& 225 ENGR 270 ENGR 271 
English - ENGL& 101 ENGL& 102 ENGL& 235 ENGL 301 
World Language - any not used in Humanities Distribution
Physical Education-Education - PE-ED 104 
Physical Education Activity - (PEFSP and PE-RD) - Up to 3 credits. Only 3 credits may be applied to an AA degree.

Restricted in Transfer:

ANY college level courses NOT listed in any of the skill areas, distribution, or transferable electives (generally professional-technical and personal development courses)

Amercian Sign Language - ASL 101  

Baccalaureate Nursing - all except BNURS 320 & BNURS 323 
Business Management - all
Business Technology - all
Computer Information Systems - all except CIS 141 
Cooperative Apprenticeship - all
Cooperative Education - all
Cosmetology - all
Culinary Arts - all
Digital Media Arts - all
Early Childhood Education - all except ECED& 105 
Education - EDUC& 101 EDUC 110 EDUC 120 EDUC 123 EDUC& 130 EDUC 132 EDUC& 136 EDUC 140 EDUC& 150 EDUC& 240  
Electronics - all
Engineering - ENGR 100 
Fashion - all
Filmmaking - all
College Success - all
Homeland Security Emergency Management - all
Hospitality Management - all
Human Services - all except HS 107 
Information Systems - all
Intensive English - IE 100 IE 101 
Library Research - all
Manufacturing - all
Mathematics - MATH 100 MATH 103 
Medical Assisting - all
Nursing - all
Nursing Assistant - all
Organizational Leadership/Resource Management - all
Organizational Leadership/Technical Management - all
Parent Education - all
Physical Education-Education - all except PE-ED 104 
Physical Therapist Assistant - all
Practical Nursing - all
Technical Design - all
Transition to Associate Degree Nursing - all
Welding - all

First Year Transfer List

First Year Transfer List  


Diversity and Social Justice Requirement

Olympic College recognizes that in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world, the critical examination of difference, power, and equity is an essential part of any education. The Diversity and Social Justice (DSJ) requirement at Olympic College provides such an opportunity through a range of coursework that prepares students to lead responsibly with critical tools and skills for examining topics including but not limited to race, class, gender, sexuality, ability, and sustainability.


Beginning Fall 2021, all newly admitted students are required to complete at least five credits in DSJ-approved coursework. These credits may also fulfill OC’s distribution requirements. Students in prof-tech, bachelor’s, and certificate programs are not required to meet the DSJ requirement at this time.

The following courses meet the Diversity & Social Justice (DSJ) requirement:

American Ethnic & Gender Studies - AEGS 100 AEGS 101 AEGS 200 AEGS 201 AEGS 202 AEGS 203 AEGS 204 AEGS 205 AEGS 210  
Anthropology - ANTH& 100 ANTH& 204 ANTH& 205 ANTH& 206 ANTH& 207 ANTH& 210 ANTH 212  
Biology - BIOL 140  
Communication Studies - CMST 253  CMST 263  
Education - EDUC& 202 EDUC& 240  
English - ENGL 135 ENGL 150 ENGL 254 ENGL 262 ENGL 264 ENGL 266 ENGL 286  
Geography - GEOG 210  
History - HIST& 215 HIST& 219 HIST 245  
Human Services - HS 107  
Humanities - HUMAN 230 HUMAN 236  
Library Research - LIB-R 210  
Music - MUSC 180  
Organizational Leadership/Resource Management - OLRM 205  
Physical Education-Education - PE-ED 124  
Psychology - PSYC 150  
Sociology - SOC& 101 SOC 115 SOC 125 SOC 135 SOC 190 ,SOC& 201 SOC 230 SOC 271