2020-2021 Olympic College Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2020-2021 Olympic College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Policies and Procedures

Admission, Registration and Graduation Appeals Committee

The Admission, Registration and Graduation Appeals Committee (ARGAC) is advisory to the Dean of Enrollment Services and generally meets once each quarter or as needed. The ARGAC objective is to facilitate the decision-making process as it relates to uncertain requirements or unique circumstances in regard to student admission, registration and graduation.

  • Admission: To review all aspects for the admission of students to OC, its programs and courses, including the appeal of admission decisions.
  • Registration: To review problems related to student registration or enrollment in courses.
  • Graduation: To review situations regarding the waiver and/or substitution of specific graduation requirements for all degrees and certificates awarded by OC.

To begin the process, a student must submit a completed “Registrar’s Petition” form to the Dean of Enrollment Services. The request should be specific and may include supportive documents or statements from appropriate people and sources. The student should consult with Registration and Records Office staff regarding appropriate times to submit an appeal in any given quarter. The Dean of Enrollment Services may approve or deny the petition. If the petition is denied, the student has the option to request the petition be forwarded to the ARGAC for review. The ARGAC decision is final.

NOTE: Grade appeals follow a different procedure (see “Grade Appeals ” in this catalog).

Course Substitutions for Students with Disabilities

OC recognizes that certain disabilities may preclude a student from successfully completing a specific course requirement for a degree, even with appropriate accommodations. In those cases, the college will consider course substitutions when they do not compromise the integrity of the academic program. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the college is not required to waive essential requirements of a student’s program of instruction. Therefore, every student enrolled in a degree program must meet the essential requirements of that program. In the case of substitution requests, the college understands that any such substitution must not weaken the curriculum, but rather expand the opportunities available.

OC also recognizes that altered methods of course delivery and/or the use of accommodations will enable most students with disabilities to successfully complete course requirements, except in unusual circumstances. Therefore, the student is encouraged to attempt successful completion of the required course and/or prerequisites with accommodation. Course substitution may be requested with the following procedures:

All requests for course substitutions shall be submitted to the Dean of Enrollment Services prior to the Admission, Registration and Graduation Appeals Committee (ARGAC) meeting. This committee meets if appeals are submitted, or is held once per quarter as required. Consult with the Registration and Records Office staff regarding the submission process or date in any given quarter. The request must include the following information:

  • An explanation of the relationship of the student’s disability to the lack of success in completing the course; current relevant medical or psychological documentation which includes functional impact of the disability and its duration, when appropriate (refer to the section, “General Guidelines for Documentation of a Disability”); a description of the accommodations previously received by the student in the course or relevant subject area, if attempted; and a release signed by the student, authorizing the committee to review the student’s documentation and to contact the evaluating professional, if necessary.

    - The request may also include other relevant information, such as letters from instructors and/ or tutors who have first-hand knowledge of the student’s attempts in the required subject area.
  • Course substitutions will be approved only when such requests are consistent with the essential degree requirements.
  • Students may contact the Registrar’s Office for further details regarding specific requests.
  • The Dean of Enrollment Services shall respond in writing to all requests within one week of the ARGAC meeting. The response shall include a brief summary of the basis for the decision.

Alcohol/Drug-Free Environment

Per WAC 132c-120, any student shall be subject to immediate disciplinary action who, either as a principal actor or aider or abettor:

  • Is found to be using, possessing, being demonstrably under the influence of, or selling any narcotic or controlled substance as defined in chapter 69.50 RCW as now law or hereafter amended, except when the use or possession of a drug is specifically prescribed as medication by an authorized medical doctor or dentist. For the purpose of this regulation, “sale” shall include the statutory meaning defined in RCW 69.50.410 as now law or hereafter amended.
  • Is found to be demonstrably under the influence of any form of alcoholic beverage. Possessing or consuming any form of alcoholic beverage on college property, with the exception of sanctioned events, approved by the President or his or her designee and in compliance with state law.

Adopted by Board of Trustees 3/23/2004, Revised 8/24/2010

A Special Note about Marijuana:
In November 2012, Washington voters adopted Initiative 502, which legalizes small amounts of marijuana for personal use. Despite passage of this law, OC’s policies prohibiting the use of marijuana at the college remain in full force and effect.

While the state has decriminalized possession and use of small amounts of marijuana in private, it is important to understand that (1) public use of marijuana is punishable as a civil infraction under the new law, and (2) OC’s preexisting student conduct code and employment policies remain unchanged. They prohibit the manufacturing, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance, including the possession or use of any amount of marijuana on campus.

Continued enforcement of policies prohibiting the use of marijuana at the college is necessary, in part, for OC to comply with the federal “Drug Free Schools and Communities Act,” 20 U.S.C. §1011i, which makes the receipt of federal funding contingent upon the college certifying that it has adopted and implemented drug free campus programs and policies for its students and employees. Because the possession and use of any amount of marijuana continues to be a criminal offense under federal law, OC must prohibit its possession and use, or risk jeopardizing its federal funding which includes financial aid, contracts and grants.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Olympic College is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in education and employment. Harassment and/or discrimination directed toward any individual or group on the basis of race; color; national origin; sex, including pregnancy; genetic information; honorably discharged veteran or military status; age; religious preference; creed; sexual orientation; gender identity; or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability; status as a disabled or Vietnam-era veteran; or political opinions or affiliations: or any other population designated by statute is a violation of the mission and purpose of Olympic College and will not be tolerated. The College i154s committed to preventing and stopping discrimination, including harassment, on any of these unlawful bases, and any associated retaliatory behavior. All employees and students shall be allowed to work and learn in an environment free from discrimination.

  1. This policy is based on the principle that all forms of harassment and/or discrimination are unacceptable and will be dealt with promptly and effectively. Students, faculty or staff who are determined to have violated this policy (following investigatory proceedings) are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment and permanent dismissal (students).
  2. Applicants for admission or employment or any employees, students, or participants in College activities or programs who believe that they have been discriminated against may pursue an institutional complaint and/or may pursue other remedies provided by law.
  3. Administrators, supervisors and faculty members shall assist in ensuring that no retaliation occurs against persons who make complaints, persons who are complained against or persons who are involved in the investigation of complaints.


  1. The President of the College, and all administrative employees, shall have ultimate responsibility for overseeing compliance with this policy at his or her respective unit of the College.
  2. In addition, each vice president, executive officer, administrative officer, faculty member or other person with supervisory responsibility shall be required to report any complaint of discrimination, sexual harassment, or any harassment that violates this policy.
  3. All members of the College community are required to cooperate in any investigation of the discrimination/harassment complaint.

Complaint Procedure

Persons who believe that they have been the subject of unlawful discrimination or harassment are encouraged to bring such issues to the attention of their supervisor, instructor, or Human Resource Services, or follow the established complaint procedures.

  • Published in Washington Administrative Code

Grievance Procedure For Students with Disabilities

OC has adopted an internal grievance procedure providing for the equitable resolution, within a reasonable time, of complaints by students with disabilities alleging violations of their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

All requests for access, accommodation, and academic adjustment should first be brought to the Office of Access Services (AS). If the student believes that a faculty member, an office or a program has refused to provide an accommodation in accordance with notice from AS, the student should first request the assistance of the AS Director in resolving the complaint. If the complaint cannot be resolved in this manner, or if it involves the AS Office, the student has the right to appeal through the following procedure:

  • Submit a written appeal to the Vice President of Student Services, which should include:

    - The nature of the disability, with an explanation of its current impact and functional limitations in the academic setting;
    - Details of the reasonable accommodation being requested; and
    - A description of any/all accommodations provided or offered by the college and an explanation of why these accommodations are insufficient or ineffective.
  • The Vice President of Student Services shall investigate the grievance and issue a written determination, which will specify resolution of the matter. Such written determination shall ordinarily be issued within 14 days of the filing of the grievance. Circumstances which may prolong the response of the Vice President include: the intervention of a quarter break and other such circumstances which may render unavailable persons necessary to an appropriate resolution of the complaint.
  • In addition to the above described appeal process, any student who believes that he or she has been discriminated against on the basis of disability may file a formal discrimination complaint with the ADA/504 compliance officer. OC has adopted a Grievance Procedure, Policy # 200-05, that provides for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging discrimination. Excerpts of the policy are published in this catalog and may also be obtained from the Office of Human Resource Services on the fifth floor of Bldg. 5 (CSC) at OC Bremerton.

Students also have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education and/or seek other legal remedies under state and federal law. The Department of Education requires complaints of discrimination to be filed within 180 days of the last know incident of discrimination. For further information regarding external complaint mechanisms, please refer to the RCW 28B.10.910 through RCW 28B.10.914 and the Washington Law against Discrimination, RCW 49.60.

Information Technology Procedures

IT Privacy Statement

OC will make every attempt to maintain personal privacy and security. To maintain the integrity of the enterprise environment, OC monitors network traffic, services used and other computer related events to help manage service for all users. For more information review the following site: olympic.edu/privacy-policy.

Open Computer Lab Use Policy and Rules

Acceptable Use
The OC student network is a Washington state resource. It is for instructional purposes only. It is not for commercial use.

Food and Drinks
No food or drink is allowed to be consumed next to the computers, their peripherals and other OC related technology equipment in the labs.

While in the labs, students should conduct themselves according to the student code of conduct. See the office of Vice President of Student Services for questions.

The Labs are Quiet Study Environments
Please keep the noise volume at library levels. OC makes an exception for adaptive technology students using the voice recognition applications located in Bldg. 12 (BUS), Rm. 100. Please respect the rights and property of others. Do not improperly access, misappropriate, or misuse any account or file. Do not share accounts. OC students are responsible for all activity on their accounts.

Do not tamper with, copy, or hack network systems, software, or accounts.

Viruses & Malicious Software
Do not intentionally infect any OC system with a computer virus. If students suspect a machine has been infected with a virus, they should contact the Information Technology Help Desk at 360-475-7600. Software tools are available to check and repair suspected files; OC cannot guarantee the integrity of any repaired file. OC reserves the right to delete any file from the servers and desktops if it is infected with a virus.

Configuring Systems
Do not move, reconfigure, or attempt to repair OC owned computers, printers, or peripherals. Do not install, reconfigure, or remove software on OC owned computers. Do not attach hardware to any of OC’s computers, electrical or networking outlets. It is permissible to attach certain USB devices such as USB flash drives (external USB hard drives that do not require additional software or drivers to use).

OC cannot be held responsible for any damage that may occur to any device that has been installed or is using OC resources. Do not install software, firmware or plug-ins on any workstation. If a required application is not available, students should inform their instructor.

Internet use should be related to the student’s academic studies. Students should ask a lab tech if they have questions. Do not visit illicit or illegal web sites, such as pornographic, and hate or hacking sites not related to research for classes. Students must be able to prove that visiting such sites is class related.

Abuse or disregard of these rules and policies may result in removal from the premises, denial of computer access, or both. Violations that are covered by law may be subject to arrest, fine, and prosecution as state and federal law allows. Olympic College Student Services will deal with disciplinary actions on a case by case basis.

Paper Use Policy

  • Print jobs should be limited to school related tasks only.
  • A print management system has been implemented that limits each student to approximately 500 pages (2,500 points) per quarter. This is tracked via the point system. Points do not roll over to the next quarter and are not refundable. The 2,500 points are set and re-set each quarter for every student. B/W prints count as 5 points and color prints count as 10 points. Additional points can be purchased through the OC Cashier’s office. Scanning to email is also available to help students in converting paper document to digital resources.

Procedure for Students to Inspect Their Education Records

To inspect or review an education record, a student must submit a written request to the college Registrar. The student must sign the request, describe the specific records to be reviewed and set forth the name under which the student attended the college, the social security number or student identification number, and the student’s last date of attendance. Proper picture identification must be presented before the documents may be reviewed.

The Registrar will make the needed arrangements for access as promptly as possible and advise the student when and where the records will be available for inspection. Access will be given as soon as practical but no later than 45 days after receipt of the written request.

Student records will be maintained according to the retention policy set out by the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges.

Limits on rights to review, inspect, or obtain copies of education records:

  • Financial statements of the student’s parents;
  • Confidential letters and confidential statements of recommendation placed in the education record if the student has waived his or her right to inspect and review those letters and statements and the letters and statements relate to the student’s admission to a program, an application for employment, or receipt of an honor or honorary recognition;
  • Confidential letters and statements placed in the education record except when these documents have been used for any purpose other than that for which they were originally intended;
  • Records that contain information about other students;
  • Documents excluded from the FERPA definition of education records.

Refusal to provide copies
The college reserves the right not to provide original transcripts it has received from other education institutions. It also reserves the right to deny copies of college transcripts if the student has an unpaid financial obligation to the college.

Mailed copies
If health reasons or extreme distance from the college prevents the student from inspecting the education record, then copies of the specific education record requested will be mailed to the student. The student must pay all copying and mailing expenses in advance of the release of the record. Official copies of the college’s transcript for the student shall be provided at the fee listed in the current catalog. All other copies shall be made at a cost of $.30 per page copied. A complete copy of the FERPA policy is available at the Vice President of Student Services Office and at the Registration and Records Office.

Right to Know

OC makes an effort to comply with all state and federal reporting requirements. Information is collected and updated in print or online annually or biennially as required. Information can be found on the OC website at olympic.edu/about-olympic-college/your-right-know Safety and Security information is available at olympic.edu/services/campus-security.

OC’s policy on discrimination and harassment is specific and available in the policy section of the College website: olympic.edu/about-olympic-college/board-trustees/olympic-college-policy-manual-table-contents.

Sex Offender Notification Policy - Summary

Olympic College considers the protection of our community from sex offenders to be a matter of significant importance. The 1990 Community Protection Act allows the college to provide notice to the community concerning sex offenders who are, or will be attending classes or working on the campus, and to assist our community members in developing constructive plans to prepare themselves and their children for residing near released sex offenders.

Pursuant to RCW 4.24.550 Olympic College is authorized to notify the college community when information is received that a registered sex offender may be expected on or near the college campus, including off-site buildings and associated college activities. Information that is relevant and necessary to protect the public and to counteract the danger created by a particular offender may be released pursuant to RCW 4.24.550.

The extent and content of the disclosure of relevant and necessary information shall be related to:

  • The level of risk posed by the offender to the community;
  • The location where the offender resides, expects to reside or, is regularly found; and
  • The needs of affected community members for information to enhance their individual and collective safety.

Purpose of Notification

An informed public is a safer public. Notification is not intended to increase fear. Sex/kidnap offenders have always lived in our communities. The purpose of the Community Protection Act of 1990 was to assist local law enforcement agency efforts to protect communities by providing relevant and necessary information. By providing the public adequate notice and information, community members can develop constructive plans to prepare themselves and their children for the offender’s release.


Public employees and/or public agencies are immune from civil liability for damages for any discretionary risk level classification decisions or release of relevant and necessary information, unless it is shown that the official, employee, or agency acted with gross negligence or in bad faith [RCW 4.24.550(7)].

Level I

The vast majority of registered sex offenders are classified as Level I offenders. They are considered at low risk to reoffend. These individuals may be first time offenders and they are usually known by their victims. They normally have not exhibited predatory type characteristics and most have successfully participated or are participating in approved treatment programs.

Level I offenders are generally not the subject of general public notification. Expect the following types of notifications to be made: Security Services, President, Vice Presidents, Vice President of Human Resource Services, Branch Campus Directors, Campus child care centers, Any individual college community member upon request.

Level II

Level II offenders have a moderate risk of re-offending. They generally have more than one victim and the abuse may be long term. These offenders usually groom their victims and may use threats to commit their crimes, and they have a higher likelihood of re-offending than the Level I offenders. They are considered a higher risk to re-offend because of the nature of their previous crime(s) and lifestyle (drug and alcohol abuse and other criminal activity). Some have refused to participate or failed to complete approved treatment programs. Typically these individuals do not appreciate the damage they have done to their victims. Washington state law may allow the Public Disclosure of Level II Registered Sex Offenders under certain conditions. Expect the following types of notifications to be made: All who receive Level I notifications, faculty and staff in whose program and/or course the student is enrolled, Tutoring Center, child care, posting on bulletin boards, including security office.

Level III

Level III offenders are the greatest risk to the community. Most are predatory, have other violent crime convictions, refused treatment and are known substance abusers. Community notification is the most extensive. Washington state law permits notifications about Level III offenders that include relevant, accurate and necessary information. [T]he college community will receive the following notifications: All college employees via internal mail/e-mail, College bulletin boards, faculty in whose course the Level III sex offender is enrolled, Students attending classes in which the Level III sex offender is enrolled.

Olympic College has also developed specific procedures that assist in notifying the campus community of sex offenders on campus. According to these procedures, the Vice President of Student Services:

  • Reviews all relevant and necessary information provided by law enforcement personnel and the office of Safety and Security; assesses the safety issues posed for students, employees, and all minors on campus.
  • Interviews all Level III sex offenders attending Olympic College, as well as enrolled Level I and II sex offenders who are known to be attending Olympic College or for whom local law enforcement agencies have provided notice to the college.
  • Releases the identity and information, according to the above guidelines.

The Safety and Security office maintains records of sex offenders. The Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office maintains an online registry of Level II and Level III sex offenders who are registered to live in Kitsap County at icrimewatch.net/search2.php?AgencyID=54474.

For Level II and III Sex Offenders registered in Mason County, go to icrimewatch.net/index.php?AgencyID=54479&disc=.

Using this public information to threaten, intimidate or harass sex/kidnap offenders will not be tolerated by Olympic College. For more information please contact Safety & Security at 360-475-7800.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All registered sex offenders should contact the office of the VP for Student Services prior to registering for classes at 360-475-7473 to arrange a meeting.

Student Conduct Code - Summary, WAC 132C-120-010 Statement of Purpose

Olympic College (OC), as a state supported institution of higher education, has a mission of providing excellence of instruction, responsiveness to community and individual needs, and open communication in a collegiate atmosphere to citizens of Kitsap and Mason counties. Sharing responsibility for this common mission, students and college personnel are joined in a voluntary college community.

Admission to OC carries with it the expectation that students will conduct themselves as responsible members of the college community, that they will comply with established rules and regulations of the college, maintain high standards of honesty and integrity, and respect the rights, privileges, and property of other members of the college community.

OC expects that students will conform to the laws of the greater society and regulations established to assure the orderly conduct of the affairs of the college.

The student is at once a member of the community at large and the college community. As such, the student is subject to the rights, responsibilities, laws, and regulations of each community and accountable to both.

To accomplish these purposes, the college is governed by rules, regulations, and procedures designed to safeguard its functions and protect the rights and freedoms of all members of the college community.

Prohibited student conduct - WAC 132C120-065

The college may impose disciplinary sanctions against a student who commits, or aids, abets, incites, encourages or assists another person to commit, an act(s) of misconduct, which include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Academic dishonesty. Any act of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and fabrication.
    1. Cheating
    2. Plagiarism
    3. Fabrication.
  2. Other dishonesty. Any other acts of dishonesty. Such acts include, but are not limited to:
    1. Forgery, alteration, submission of falsified documents or misuse of any college document, record, or instrument of identification;
    2. Tampering with an election conducted by or for college students; or
    3. Furnishing false information, or failing to furnish correct information, in response to the request or requirement of a college officer or employee.
  3. Obstruction or disruption.
  4. Assault, abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment and stalking.
  5. Cyber misconduct.
  6. Property violation. Damage to, or theft or misuse of, real or personal property or money of:
    1. The college or state;
    2. Any student or college officer, employee, or organization;
    3. Any other member of the college community or organization; or
    4. Possession of such property or money after it has been stolen.
  7. Failure to comply with directive
  8. Weapons. Possession, holding, wearing, transporting, storage or presence of any firearm, dagger, sword, knife or other cutting or stabbing instrument, club, explosive device, or any other weapon apparently capable of producing bodily harm is prohibited on the college campus, subject to the following exceptions:
    1. Commissioned law enforcement personnel or legally authorized military personnel while in performance of their duties;
    2. A student with a valid concealed weapons permit may store a firearm in his or her vehicle parked on campus in accordance with RCW 9.41.050, provided the vehicle is locked and the weapon is concealed from view
  9. Hazing.
  10. Alcohol, drug, and tobacco violations.
  11. Lewd conduct. Conduct which is lewd or obscene.
  12. Discriminatory conduct. Discriminatory conduct which harms or adversely affects any member of the college community because of her/his: race; color; national origin; sensory, mental, or physical disability; use of a service animal; gender, including pregnancy/family status; marital status; age (40+); religion; creed; genetic information; sexual orientation; gender identity; veteran’s status; or any other legally protected classification.
  13. Sexual misconduct. The term “sexual misconduct” includes, but is not limited to, sexual harassment, sexual intimidation, and sexual violence. Use of alcohol or other drugs will not function as a defense to a violation of college policies regarding sexual misconduct. Cases involving allegations of sexual misconduct are subject to special discipline procedures; see WAC 132C-120-300 through 132C-120-315.
    1. Sexual harassment. The term “sexual harassment” means unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, including unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is sufficiently serious as to deny or limit, and that does deny or limit, based on sex, the ability of a person to participate in or benefit from the college’s educational programs/activities or that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for other campus community members.
    2. Sexual intimidation. The term “sexual intimidation” incorporates the definition of “sexual harassment” and means threatening or emotionally distressing conduct based on sex including, but not limited to, non-consensual recording of sexual activity or the distribution of such recording.
    3. Sexual violence. The term “sexual violence” incorporates the definition of “sexual harassment” and means a physical sexual act perpetrated without clear, knowing, and voluntary consent, such as committing a sexual act against a person’s will, exceeding the scope of consent, or where the person is incapable of giving consent, including rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual coercion, sexual exploitation, or gender- or sex-based stalking. The term further includes acts of dating or domestic violence. A person may be incapable of giving consent by reason of age, threat or intimidation, lack of opportunity to object, disability, drug or alcohol consumption, or other cause.
  14. Harassment. Unwelcome and offensive conduct, including verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct, that is directed at a person because of such person’s protected status and that is sufficiently serious as to deny or limit, and that does deny or limit, the ability of a student to participate in or benefit from the college’s educational program or that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for other campus community members. Protected status includes a person’s race; color; national origin; sensory, mental or physical disability; use of a service animal; gender, including pregnancy; marital status; age (40+); religion; creed; genetic information; sexual orientation; gender identity; veteran’s status; or any other legally protected classification. See “Sexual misconduct” for the definition of “sexual harassment.” Harassing conduct may include, but is not limited to, physical conduct, verbal, written, social media and electronic communications.
  15. Retaliation. Retaliation against any individual for reporting, providing information, exercising one’s rights or responsibilities, or otherwise being involved in the process of responding to, investigating, or addressing allegations or violations of federal, state or local law, or college policies including, but not limited to, student conduct code provisions prohibiting discrimination and harassment. Retaliation is considered a separate offense, regardless of the outcome of the original complaint.
  16. Misuse of electronic resources.
  17. Unauthorized access.
  18. Safety violations.
  19. Violation of other laws or policies.
  20. Ethical violation.

Classroom conduct - WAC 132C-120-076

Faculty have the authority to take appropriate action to maintain order and proper conduct in the classroom and to maintain the effective cooperation of the class in fulfilling the objectives of the course.

An instructor has the authority to exclude a student from up to three class sessions if the student is disruptive to the learning environment pending a meeting with the vice-president for student services or designee.

To obtain a complete copy of the Student Conduct Code, please contact the office of the Vice President of Student Services located in Bldg. 4 (HSS), Rm. 312 at OC Bremerton or by telephone at 360-475-7473.

Complete copies of the current Student Conduct Code may also be found at apps.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=132C-120.